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We are BACK with the epic conclusion to this two-parter, which is probably my favourite so far! I'm SORRY, but I really like the Daleks 😱 I know it's probably very bad and frowned upon, but they are SO darn exciting! And I love the emotions that they bring out in the Doctor.

I actually did record a reaction to the beautiful theme running through these two-part episodes, but I haven't edited it yet or decided if it's anything I want to share. I am not sure if it's too weird to do, so I'll take a look at it and decide from there! I enjoyed listening to the music very much, but I do have a side of me that feels like a shy and timid little girl at times, so I think that kicks in when I try new things 🤣 I've got THREE different style videos made and uploaded on the gaming channel, but I've never released them due to that fear. It is my 2024 goal to actually release one of those new idea videos! Let's see if I can make it happen haha

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/EipqUi6vb_o



Martin Holt

This episode highlights, for me at least, the Doctor's conflicted nature concerning the Daleks. On the one hand, the Daleks are genocidal, xenophobic psychotics. On the other hand, the Daleks are a race of geniuses, alive and full of promise. Part of what consumes the Doctor, I suspect, is the hope of redemption, a hope that the Daleks constantly re-ignite one moment, only to extinguish the next. Even in GENESIS OF THE DALEKS, a classic episode, when the Doctor had the opportunity to seal the infant Dalek race in a tomb on Skaro, he agonized over the decison. Did he have the right to determine the fate of an entire race, however loathsome? That's what make the Doctor the Doctor, I guess.

Jonathan Giles

Spiderman and Doctor Who! Do love the cameos and early appearances of famous actors in this show 👀