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Thank you so much to Abi for letting me know about a problem with the full length edit! I am so sorry for any inconvenience 😔 I had a problem when recording so had to pause for a bit but I thought I'd fixed it up... Turns out, I fixed it up wrong 🤣 Silly old me!

Angel WOAH. Okay, hi. I never thought I'd see Buffy here on Angel? I guess I was wrong 🤣 I really did think both shows were separate enough that we just.... wouldn't. Well, it was nice. And we get ice cream. Oh, and also pain. Lots of that, too.

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Mine was mostly uneventful. I've started a thing where I clean/tidy out a different room of the house per month and November is Laundry. Yeah, I know I'm so exciting. So yesterday I did a bit of that which was actually good and I feel like I'm getting somewhere! One room per month seems less daunting to tackle 😵

Enjoy the rest of your week and take care 🥰💜

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/-nRbC6RsBlo




Since I'm not a big fan of the Buffy/Angel relationship, this episode doesn't hit me as hard as it does many other people. I really don't like Angel's behaviour in this. But I don't want to be too negative. I did enjoy your reaction. And I like the oracles. "I like time. There's so little and so much of it."


I'm a couple days late to this reaction. My birthday was Tuesday (the 14th), so I had some things going on and just now got to watch. I knew you would be in tears by the end. It was so sweet seeing Buffy and Angel being able to be together again, but then it's heartbreaking to know that the day was set back and only Angel will remember their time together. Sarah's acting in that scene right before the day reset was some of her best acting in the entire Buffyverse, in my opinion. It doesn't matter how many times I see this episode, that part always gets to me. This is my favorite episode of the entire Angel show.