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oooh I like this one! They had me thinking in one direction, and I was so sure about it, so smug 🤣 I do like being wrong, when it's as good as this one!

Actually really quite creepy in a way, which I do appreciate! I loved the addition of the Aussie song about the Kookaburra 🥰 Very cool to see that included!

I had a couple of suggestions that I watch the first episode of Torchwood even though I won't be watching the rest for a while. I do like that idea! My only concern though is starting it and then having people be upset when I don't continue, unless I am VERY specific that it's more of a "taste" of Torchwood until I am ready for more 😊 What do you think about that?

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/C_E0pXZhqjk



Trey Moore

Glad you enjoyed this one! You always have affection for the lesser praised eps. That’s a good sign that you’ll probably really enjoy the entirety of this show; not just the highest quality seasons! As for Torchwood, it’s totally up to you (obviously), but I would definitely wait until you at least finish season 2 of Who before checking it out.

Martin Holt

At this point, you are pretty much safe to watch the first couple of episodes of Torchwood. Anyone who says no must be forced to sit on a scribble-creature.

Lime Pie

I think watching only the first episode of Torchwood is a GREAT idea. Selfishly, I'd prefer you reacted to the entire show, but since you don't have the time to do that, I think watching the first episode will give you a better idea of what happens in the Doctor Who universe outside of the Doctor's perspective.

Martin Holt

This was another episode that got a lot of flack when it first aired. Unlike LOVE & MONSTERS, I have no idea why.

Martin Holt

This episode aired in 2006, when the Summer Olympics had already been scheduled for 2012 in England. Because the Brits are like that, in 2012 the torch was carried by an actual actor from a later season of DW. (Not gonna say 'Who,' because spoilers suck.) Plus, the torch started in Cardiff, which is beloved in the DW fandom. Of course, anyone who carried the Torch Would be acclaimed in the DW universe. See what I did there? I is vurry smort.

Paul Hess

I love the idea of one or a couple of Torchwood's to get a taste for it, but then focusing back on Doctor Who for now. There's so much more great Doctor Who to get to.

Neil Hanson

Well aren't I stupid! I somehow managed to skip past this episode, so I guess I'll be watching it for the first time along with you! Ok, just finished watching and I'm not sure how I feel about this one to be honest. I might have to give it another watch before I make up my mind. I couldn't help thinking though how all the loud whispering the child actress was doing can't have been good for her. It seems counterintuitive but whispering, especially loudly, is not good for your voice. I remember the London Olympics. The torch relay route went straight through my local park so of course we all went down there to cheer the runner for that section on. It was very crowded, as you would expect, and we just barely got there on time but it was pretty cool I must say. Regarding Torchwood, you mentioned wanting to cut back with the videos for a while so if I were in your position I think I would just watch it for myself. Or you could record it and just keep the files for a future date if you decide you want to put out the reactions. As always, thanks for the great reactions. Hope you're having a nice week Juliette 💜


I agree about the whispering 😅 I did find that a little off-putting, as it was so very loudly whispered. A different kind of ASMR! I don't think I'll ever forget her name, Chloe Webber, as it was said so many times hehe I liked how I assumed it was the father behind all this. I love it when I am so sure of what something is, and then it's NOT that thing. It puts me back in my place a little! I definitely would not watch any more than 1 episode of Torchwood, which does make me question if that is even something I should do as it would most likely be around 2 or more years before I then watch the rest 🤣 I am in two minds about it.... Will I even want to be doing reaction content in 2 years? 5 years? It's something that I don't think too far ahead in the future with end enjoy it just as I go along. I think the suggestion to watch 1 episode was just for me to see what it was like and what it's all about, which makes sense, but I do worry it may do more harm than good with people ignoring my (as yet unrecorded) intro about how I'm not watching any more and they will keep asking for it 😅 Neil, I've slept in today, I'm performing on one sip of coffee, and I actually have no idea if this makes sense as my fingers and brain aren't connected yet so good luck 😜 Have a lovely evening, Neil 🥰💜


Oh yes, I wouldn't watch Torchwood until I've started season 3 of Who, which is sooooon hehe! I just don't know as yet, don't want to get people's hopes up as I wouldn't be continuing it for a long while!


Unfortunately, I just do not have any spare time right now for more, so even if I do watch it, I can't watch any more UNLESS I watch it by myself 😅


Huh, so weird! I never know if the episodes are "crap" or not, as I have enjoyed so many of the "bad" ones 🤣 It's always a fun ride, no matter what!


I am so SMART. I am so SMART. S-M-R-T. I'll never forget that song by Homer Simpson 🤣


I think you should wait till the end of season 3. That is the most natural part to start it, and breaking it up will just dilute the experience imho.


OH! Thank you! I thought it was at the start of season 3. I got too far ahead with my thinking 🤣

Trey Moore

Technically, Torchwood season 1 aired between DW season 2 and 3. So, if you want to watch the first episode soon, you’d be fine.

Kal Zekdor

Continuity-wise Torchwood Season 1 can be started any point after the end of Season 2 and finished before the end of Season 3. Won't say any more than that, spoilers.

Hot Space 🇬🇧

I love this reaction 😁 it definitely gets a lot of hate unfortunately, I have a soft spot for this too as I'm a TenRose shipper, lol. It's definitely a unique story with Isolus and Chloe. Great Reaction! 😊❤️


I think I might be a TenRose shipper, too 🤣 I do prefer her relationship with Ten more than Nine 🥰


Your smile always lightens my day. 🙂


I really love your reactions. It's such a joy watching them 🥰 Also, I think watching the first episode of Torchwood as a taste is a good idea 😊