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Okay, things are already starting to get good 😍 I really wasn't sure what to expect when starting Angel, but I've been left with nothing but good vibes from it so far! I love getting to see a lot more of Angel. Sure, he may be dark, brooding and mysterious, but he's... lovely. As I write this, I remember back to the horrors that was Angelus. No, a million times NO 🤣

I hope everyone has had a good weekend! I ended up getting myself a new desktop PC because I found the editing of the reactions was getting really sluggish. The mouse would skitter across the screen and it would take a long time to render. I've been looking for a new desktop to replace my laptop for ages, and when I saw one on sale for half price, I couldn't refuse! It's going wonderfully so far. I am yet to record any gaming or reactions on it, so I'm a bit nervous but excited! Hopefully all will be well 🤞

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/rvR2wLgM_Qc




Juliette, you are not going to believe this. I just watched your full reaction video with it constantly freezing up. I could still hear the audio just fine the entire way through, but the video picture would freeze every few seconds. I saw your facial reactions maybe 30% of the time. I was so frustrated! After the reaction was finished, I got the bright idea to try playing the video in another browser. (I use Firefox, by the way, and I've never had any issues with other patreon videos). I opened Chrome and tried the video there and it played perfectly fine. Technology sure is a pain sometimes!!! I'm going to try clearing my cache in Firefox, and if that doesn't fix the issue, then at least I know your videos are playing properly in Chrome. I am just so relieved that I figured out a solution so I can continue to watch your full reactions going forward. Hassle free next time, hopefully. haha Okay, on to the episode discussion now. I'm not sure how other fans feel about this episode, but it's actually one of my favorites from the first season. A lot of reactors are often grossed out by the incubus/succubus demon, but I love things like that, so I'm here for it. The character, Kate, is introduced in this episode. I'll be honest, I can't stand her. She's fine in this episode, but as the show progresses I just like her less and less. I know other people who really love her character though, so you can make up your own mind about her. Curious to hear your thoughts as the show goes on. The song "Touched" by VAST that is featured in this episode is one of my all time favorite songs. I actually heard it for the first time from this episode. I ended up checking out their discography and loving everything I heard. I still frequently play VAST albums to this day. Especially their "Visual Audio Sensory Theater" album (which the song Touched is on). It's one of my favorite albums of all time.


The anxiety I felt when reading you had problems was REAL 🤣 Thank goodness you got it sorted out! I use Chrome as my main browser and Edge as my secondary but I will admit I don't think I've checked the reactions on other browsers! Trust my life for it to be just my page that doesn't work properly 😜 I actually really liked Kate, but I've not seen much of her. I sometimes feel that I like the characters that a lot of people don't, like Xander for example. I really like him and just think if he matures a little, he'd be great. Also with Faith... I was never a fan and I feel like the odd one out 😭 I think watching the X Files has prepared me for more gross things like the demon we saw in this episode. That was rather tame compared to some of the hideous things I've seen on X Files 🤣 If I get too scared, I can look away hehe Thank you for enjoying this one, B... (heh, see what I did there? B?! I'll see myself out haha)


I'm so glad you are enjoying the show. It's not Buffy, but it is great in its own way. We are getting to see more sides of Angel than just Buffy's boyfriend, or evil ex who wants to torture her. Also Cordelia has more space to be the comic relief, or the person who has the plot explained to her so the new viewers can keep up. Angel has his batcave, the cool car, and the gadgets. All he needs now is a big light to shine in the sky with the shape of a butterfly, and owl, or maybe a lobster.