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So, Buffy looks kinda different in this episode! It's gotta be the short fringe (or bangs I think they call it in some countries).

Another Buffy/Angel-centric episode (I'm  not complaining haha but it's beginning to hurt more and more) with some VERY interesting moments from Angelus' past coming into play. I liked this one. A little heavy, but there was such a beautiful scene at the end that kinda made up for it. I'd really like to know what you guys think about this episode!!

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/tUtImwP4WlE




There are things I love about this episode--including the Willow/Oz bits, and Faith showing up for Christmas after her "big party" just happened to fall through. But by this point in the season I'm kind of bored with the Buffy/Angel seesaw romance, and since I don't ship them the magic snow lands with me as more cheesy than romantic or sweet or uplifting. But I understand why people who ship Bangel find this episode moving.


I love Buffy and Angel, but even I'm finding their relationship draining to be honest. It's getting a bit messy for me now, and makes me feel kinda awkward. They are wonderful together, but it's just not ever going to work. It's a bit too much now 😥


This is a well-liked episode among many fans, but as someone who's not into the Buffy/Angel relationship, I don't care for it much. And that snow at the end always bothers me. First of all, it feels too much like a cop out, like a deus ex machina. And more importantly, that's not what fresh snow looks like! The bad guy also seems somewhat underwhelming - all that effort just to get Angel to become evil or kill himself? He was both evil and dead already once! It appearing as Jenny was a nice touch though. There are some great moments of course, as there are in even the worst episode. Oz and Willow getting back together, Giles' reaction to Angel showing up at his door, and Faith and Buffy cautiously bonding is wonderful.