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I must start off this little blurb by saying this is the last episode I will obsess over Rose and Mickey 🤣 I realise I need to put it behind me and relax a little hahaha! So as much as I like Rose and Mickey together, I'm going to be a bit more relaxed and see them more as casual... friends? Friends who, I guess, might have some feelings but it's nothing serious. Done and dusted 😅 it's just all so dramatic, and it gets me going but I will stop now 😜

This episode had some GREAT moments! Funny stuff, emotional moments... I really enjoyed it a lot.

Thank you all for being here and I really hope you enjoy this one, too 💜

Youtube edit: https://youtu.be/IKE4pOpzh7o



Niall NC

Rose and Mickey’s relationship gets more and more confusing the longer it continues to be something and nothing all at the same time lol, pretty much like real life. It’s never simple 😭😂


I'd say if you feel a certain way and wanna express it, then I wouldn't hold back. Sorta the point of these reactions ain't it. Well, I'd say. And if you don't, then that's ok too. Rose has garnered some hostile feelings from sections of the audience because of her treatment of Mickey. I think it plays out as an as interesting dynamic myself.


The two-parter after this is one of the best by far! it cant come sooner I'm so hyped

Doctorwhoinfinity (Dor Cohen)

A really fun episode After all the tense from episodes 9-10 it’s a nice break for a fun adventure As for Mickey and Rose ….yea…. They can’t be together if I was told my wife would be gone for a WEEK I would be devastated


YES!! This, exactly 🤣 SO glad you get it!! I'm just sort of dreading the youtube comments about me continuing to talk about Mickey and Rose... hahaha


Honestly, I agree! Mickey and Rose's relationship is so interesting to me and I am invested! I just recall the amount of comments on the channel last time I talked about their relationship so I'm a little nervous in advance haha. I am always interested in romance and relationships, and this one interests me a lot...!


I guess the good thing is that they are so young as just teenagers, and didn't seem to be *that* serious... I will say though, Mickey seems like a lovely fellow and really interested in Rose. He wants more than what she can give him which... ooh! Makes me wonder if it has something to do with Mickey seeing and hugging Rose when he was little in Father's Day??


Ha ha, perspectives. There is also certain feelings from the audience about particular aspects of The Doctor's character in NuWho, that aren't necessarily favoured by some traditional classic viewers. But we'll enter into that discussion at a later time.

Lloyd B

This is an often underrated and overlooked episode. I think it poses some interesting moral questions, both in terms of the Mickey and Rose dynamic, and in sending someone to their execution. You are perhaps right to be a little afraid of the Doctor - you really don’t want to get on his bad side! Heading into the final two episodes now! I don’t know how far ahead you are, but between the finale and the Christmas special there’s a short 5 minute minisode called “Born Again”, which, while not essential, is worth watching, and takes place before the events in the Christmas special. It’s available on YouTube.

Martin Holt

Every episode has a Bad Wolf reference in it. The fun of re-watching the season is to find them all! Have fun!

Martin Holt

A little DW backstory: the Timelords were powerful time travelers; however, they (with few exceptions) refused to interfere in the affairs of primitive races, regardless of their pain and suffering. One Timelord found this attitude intolerable. So he stole a TARDIS and became a renegade. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


This is just one version of events as you can imagine with 60 years of TV, Book, Comics, Radio plays etc. There are multiple contradictions and theories. I have been loving the reactions and hope one day Juliette will dip her toe into Classic Who or at least react to the very first episode.


2 LONG COMMENTS INCOMING! The way I view Rose and Mickey's relationship is that it was one of mutual convenience. They've known each other since they were little since their parents were friends as we saw in the Father's Day episode. And so naturally once they grew up they became boyfriend/girlfriend. Which likely would've worked out completely fine if their lives had stayed completely normal. We already get along well enough as friends so why not just spend the rest of our lives together? But then The Doctor enters Rose's life and things change. He shows her unbelievable things and awakens an innate sense of adventure within her that she didn't even realise she had. A lot of misconceptions I see about Rose is that she doesn't just love The Doctor, she loves the life he leads and all the thrill and danger that comes with it. And now life back home with Jackie and Mickey doesn't seem as appealing since she can now see what she's probably felt like she's been lacking her whole life. Though that being said even though The Doctor has given her this new life, he's not exactly the romantic type. Despite them clearly being close and Rose showing obvious romantic interest, she has very little guarantee that The Doctor would ever return or even consider those feelings. You were talking about Rose flirting with Jack in the Empty Child 2 parter, and I think it makes a lot of sense since she essentially encountered someone who reminded her a lot of The Doctor, but showed a clear interest in flirting and sexuality and romance, something The Doctor almost never does. She doesn't have any real feelings for Jack but in their original meeting she was seeing what seemed like a potential alternative as someone like The Doctor who could actually return her romantic feelings.


Now how Mickey ties into this. Of course they both still love and care for each other but it does very much feel like a relationship that has run it's course as most naturally do. Mickey can't give Rose that sense of adventure she needs and Rose can't give Mickey the stability and normality he wants. Though it's understandable why both of them want to keep the relationship going. Mickey obviously because back on Earth she was one of the main parts of his normal life, but it's also obvious for Rose since like I said, even if she does have romantic feelings for The Doctor, due to who he is she knows it's likely he'll never return her feelings and they'll never be a couple even if she does stay as his "companion". So obviously it's much nicer to have a boyfriend like Mickey that she can go home to with all the uncertainty that comes with her feelings for The Doctor and life on The TARDIS. Even though we can see that it's obviously wrong how she treats Mickey since they go for months without each other, only for her to pop back up every now and then, acting like nothing's changed while being obviously infatuated with The Doctor. One last and very obvious thing I want to point out that a lot of fans forget is that Rose is 19 years old! She can definitely be oblivious and naïve as to how her words and actions hurt Mickey, After all in the TARDIS to her it likely feels like barely time at all since they see each other, whereas for Mickey it's months of uncertainty as to when she's coming back. She's so starry eyed over The Doctor and The TARDIS it blinds her judgement but I truly don't think she ever intentionally tries to hurt Mickey. As we see from the genuine regret she feels at the end of this episode. Hell I was still in University when I was 19 and everyone around me was going through relationship troubles that felt just as chaotic. Never mind the fact that it's a teenager given the opportunity to travel all throughout time and space, I find it hard to blame her for how disconnected she becomes from her life back on earth because I feel I would to.

Michael Champion

Got to check that you have the Christmas specials on the playlist, I ask now as it seems we are two weeks behind you, so it should be next on your viewing list. They must be seen, some are stand alone others one off, but they are needed.


Yes, I have access to the christmas specials with my streaming service and also I will watch out for the minisodes when it's time 😸

Martin Holt

Absolutely. I find it hilarious when people try to pick at continuity errors in DW. The entire series from beginning to end is one giant continuity error. :-)

Martin Holt

Juliette, I say obsess over Mickey & Rose as much as you want! Rose is amazing and Mickey is adorable! The Doctor will understand. But don't tell the Captain. He'll want to join in.