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Goodness, I was nervous going into this episode. I knew that we'd still have this very sad storyline unfolding as it's not quite over yet. It makes it hard to talk about these episodes here in the blurb due to spoilers, but I do enough waffling at the end that it's all there, really 😅

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! I need to do some minor fence repair, find somewhere for dinner on Saturday and try to fit relaxing in there somewhere! This week I've tried to stop working at a reasonable time so I can catch up on housework. I've just been working too much that things are slipping away from me (housework, physical and mental health) so I'm trying to do better in that area. It's HARD to do everything we want to do in life, isn't it?! I need that winning lotto ticket!

Youtube edit: https://youtu.be/aw475jKV0XM



Ryan Martinez

The one thing from this episode is Spike wanting to leave flowers for Joyce. No soul Spike, not for Buffy, but for Joyce. Anytime they had a scene together it was gold. I wish there could have been more. "I liked the lady." He really did.


Angel showing up for Buffy just after experiencing his own arc of despair is so heartwarming and selfless, it just emphasizes why I love them so much. It's a case of doing what's best for her, always. Even breaking up in the first place was done in her best interest. People like to dismiss Angel's actions because he was cursed, but none of his good acts were part of the curse. This is him making an effort, despite the despair. And then Willow and Spike "helping" Dawn.... ooph. It makes sense why Spike does it, but Willow going against Tara's wishes and pointing Dawn towards resurrection spells... It's frustrating that she didn't realize what a terrible idea it was!

Jeremy J Nickurak

Seeing Willow get more and more powerful, and then this moment of struggling to know what's right and what's wrong about that power -- t's not a weakness we're used to seeing in her lately. Feels just a little more like the unsure and insecure Willow we knew back in season 1/2.