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What a COOL episode! I am astounded that they could create something so engaging and riveting with just a small little room and a few people. This is why Doctor Who is so magnificent 💜

Youtube link: https://youtu.be/RDHLY2PouMQ (this will have the logo on it)




One of my favourite ever episodes of Doctor Who. Top 5 at the very least, maybe even top 3. It's masterfully written and apparently Russell T Davies only wrote it in a matter of a couple hours or so. Also goes to show that you don't need major action to make a great episode of Doctor Who, all you need is an interesting premise, 1 set and good actors. Bottle episodes, with less budget/actors can be so amazing when they realize their full potential like this episode does. A lot like The Satan's Pit from Series 2 this is another episode where The Doctor has no idea what the monster he's confronting is and leaves him absolutely baffled and confused until the end. Except unlike last time when The Doctor defeated the beast, this time The Doctor completely loses against the Midnight Entity. He never learns it's name, goals or anything about it. And in the end he's entirely defeated, left frozen still and crying as he's almost killed by the people around him. If it wasn't for the Hostess he would be dead. Part of what makes this such a brilliant episode is that it uses The Doctor's main weapon, his voice against him. He usually can talk his way out of any situation with his fast talking, charisma and intelligence but in this episode all of that worked against him and only made the situation worse. Everything he said irritated the human passengers more and antagonised them towards him and helped educate the Midnight Entity more and more to the point where it was able to possess him. You even see signs of The Doctor's ego bleeding through like the "BECAUSE I'M CLEVER!" moment. Which usually we root for because we like to see The Doctor act all cool and praise himself but in this case only made things worse. The ending scene where Donna tries to banter with The Doctor by repeating him but he completely shuts her down with his typical "don't, don't, don't" stuff he's done in previous episodes but this time in a much more serious tone. Showing just how traumatised this situation left him. I can't praise this episode enough 10/10

Keef Baker

Wait till you find out one of the absolute greatest episodes of Doctor Who only has one person in it.