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Oh, yikes.... This episode. Many, MANY amazing moments which I will remember for a very long time (the ending I'm sure is iconic in so many ways) but YIKES.

I am obsessed with season 5. I reckon it could end up being my favourite so far, but still, early days so let's wait and see! It's just been amazing!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I've enjoyed a few days off this week and feeling relaxed and refreshed. I've managed to re-edit some Doctor Who episodes in a new style to hopefully bypass the BBC, so that's exciting to see if it works.

Hope you guys enjoy this episode as much as I did 💜

Youtube edit: https://youtu.be/JOf8LM6NHe4



Shaun J 🦄

Spike being the one to comfort Buffy makes total sense IMO mainly because she doesn’t care about him or his opinion of her, so it’s easier for her to be vulnerable in front him, the way she feels she can’t be with her loved ones. Also how’s the rewatch going?

Jonathan Hall

I love all the Spike stuff. The cuts back and forth with that last fight from the past to the present were pure art to me. The only thing I don't like in this episode is how Dawn is actually coming through for Buffy and Buffy is still insulting her and giving her a hard time.

David Schmidt

This episode is easily in most everyone's top 10 list of the entire series (or should be). Spike had two strokes of luck while fighting slayers. The explosion distracting the Chinese slayer and the blackout on the subway car while fighting Nicki in New York. Did I detect a look of non-recognition at the mention of Cheetos, a crispy puffy cheese snack here in the US that is rumored to be able to survive an apocalypse (along with Twinkies and cockroaches)? Hence Buffy's wish to have a similar longevity.


A phenomenal episode. One of my favorites from the whole series. I love any Spike-centric episode, but I especially love this one because we get a glimpse into Spike's background and how he killed the two slayers. I also really love the scenes with Spike, Angel, Darla, and Drusilla. They just have so much chemistry together and are fun to watch. In season 2, Spike mentioned that Angel was his sire. I think that's because at that time they hadn't fully fleshed out a backstory for Spike yet but wanted him to be related to Angel somehow. They ended up changing that down the line, as you can see here. But as others have pointed out, it still works because the term 'sire' can also be used in a grandfather/grandmother sense. Angel sired Drusilla who then sired Spike, so Angel is basically his grandsire. lol I think the reason Spike went after the slayers to begin with is to impress but also compete with Angel. We all know how evil Angelus is, and I think Spike was just trying to keep up with or even one-up him in a way. Of course Angel was not amused with his antics at all. When this episode first showed William (Spike) in the flashback as a human and you thought it was a watcher because you didn't recognize him was too funny. Then your realization and reaction when you finally realized was hilarious. I loved it. The fact that both Cecily and Buffy used the same "You're beneath me" line to Spike makes me feel so bad for him. Even present day vampire Spike started to cry over that. We know he's done a lot of bad things as a vampire, but still your heart breaks for him in that moment. The ending scene is also really great when Spike realizes Buffy is upset and he tries to comfort her.


There's a quote by Whedon about Spike/Angel. "Your sire can mean anybody in the line that made you. So, Drusilla is Spike's sire, but so is Angel in the sense that Angel made Drusilla and Drusilla made Spike. If we were being more literal we would call him a grandsire, but that term does not exist in the vampire world, so sire just means somebody that you are connected to because they came before you on the line. "

El Diablo Robotico

Love your reaction! I always thought the sire stuff was kind of retconned because Spike was only supposed to last one episode, but I guess it can be finger-waggled away with “grandsire” haha. Season 5 is my favorite I think, although I love all the seasons in their own way. I rate season 4 a lot higher than most because it’s so funny and it’s the season where I first started watching. Season 2 has all the freshness and pathos and “innocence” lost (pun intended?). Season 6 is also a favorite for completely different reasons. It’s just such a good show with good characters almost any season makes sense as someone’s favorite (does anyone have season 1 as a favorite?).

Vicky N

Loved your reaction. This episode is in my top 5 of the entire series. Certainly my favorite not written and directed by Joss. I think you misunderstood something about Spike and Dru, they were already together, even before he killed his first slayer.