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Please believe me, even though I end up crying 🤣 I am afraid that Doctor Who has gone from being a show that I felt I can watch with no risk of tears, to having all the tears, unexpectedly 😅

What a beautiful episode, I'm so happy!

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'll still be uploading over the Easter holiday break. I am having a few days off where I won't be recording/editing BUT I've been working really hard to ensure that our schedule won't be affected. It's been rough as I've been sick so I haven't been able to do as much as I would have liked but it will still all be fine 💜 I might have to pause the X Files until after the holidays but I do have one episode recorded to edit, so I'll work on that when I can. I really do try SO much to get everything done but I also need to be better with knowing my limits and saying "no." It's always something I've struggled with and I reckon a few of you are exactly the same 🥹

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/tq-u8BR5-ac



Keef Baker

Donna is the best. 100% team Donna over here. God, series 4 is SO GOOD.

Lime Pie

The Adipose waving goodbye would be the most adorable part of the episode (maybe even the whole show) if it weren't for Wilf's little dance at the end.

chicks dig me

I finally figured out why so many women love Donna and this series over Rose, Martha, Amy and Clara...

Neil Hanson

Fun episode. Love how the Doctor and Donna obliviously passed by/just missed each other a few times, and then the inevitable "it's you!" reaction when they finally clocked each other (very fun scene!). How weird are those Adipose babies! I find them to be both super cute and also a little unsettling at the same time. Good way to lose weight though. Or on second thoughts, maybe not! Also, Rose!!!?? Thanks for another great reaction Juliette. Now take a little break, relax, and get rid of that stubborn illness you have. Then when you return don't overwork yourself, and maybe try saying 'no!' a little more often 💜

Sam Felstead

Always love your reactions! Real emotions!


In the UK we were spoiled months in advance of Rose's return. Billie's return was on the front page of our tabloid newspapers the very next day of this location night shoot, literally hours after!! The only shock was it was in episode 1!!


I've said it before, this season your in for a treat Just like the seasons before, there are hints through the whole season that will make sense at the final story


I'm sure it was unintentional, but you've just mentioned two future characters, and Juliette has asked for zero spoilers including names. Can you please delete or edit this comment before she sees it?

Martin Holt

Among my small collection of DW memorabilia is a squishy stress-doll of a little Adipose baby. It is adorable.

Stuart Fewtrell

Did you recognise Donna's grandad from the previous episode?


I'm so happy you're up to season four! I've been so excited for you to see Donna again ever since the end of Runaway Bride and you said you'd love to see her return lol. Please look after yourself. Breaks and self-care are super important. No point in working yourself too hard until you have no choice but to stop for a while ❤


The man playing Donna's grandfather is actor Bernard Cribbins, a much loved actor who also appeared in a Doctor Who movie in 1966 caled "Daleks Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D" but is also known as a Children's presenter for years for many. You saw Bernard in the last episode as the newspaper seller! 🤯 He replaces Donna's father due to the sad state of health of the actor Harry Attfield as Geoff Noble in Series 4, but he died in October 2007. His scenes were refilmed with Bernard Cribbins playing Wilfred Mott, and he was subsequently changed to be Donna's grandfather. Attfield's scenes were later included on the DVD release of Series 4 & are on YouTube. RIP to both Attfield & Cribbins who we lost at 93 in 2022 💔

Michael Champion

Yeah, welcome to the companion who is a favorite in the new era. Did you notice that Grandad was the stall holder from the xmas special, who the Doctor and Kylie dissapeared in front off?

James Gorman

What can I say about Series 4? That would be telling!😉😉😉😉


Melanie, thank you!! I really do appreciate your kindness. I'm still a work in progress, but this year I have started making small changes which really help. Just gotta stick with it 💜


Neil 🥰 Thank you. I've been to the doctor 2 times in the last week but I think it will just take time to recover from whatever it is that I have. It's definitely improving! I'll have to mute my coughing for weeks in any upcoming videos 🤣 I am SO HAPPY to see Donna again! I think she's going to end up being my favourite companion. I'm a little tired of the romantic companions. I just want a mate, too 🤣 And I think she's a bit older, which makes me drawn to her more as well! Always nice to see people closer to my age in these shows I watch 💜

James Gorman

Series 4 will see the reintroduction of two old enemies from the Classic Series.


We were all waiting for that final scene with rose, and yes she does have quite distinctly blonde hair doesn't she 🤣 Very excited to see you're reaction to this season. Every episode is just golden. 😄

The Rising Ape

The look on your face when you saw Rose was absolutely priceless, your reactions make me grin from ear to ear. As others have said you're in for a real treat this season with humurous callbacks and intricate threads woven through every story, I can't wait to see it. Love and light as always Jules, hope you enjoy your break and are feeling better soon. <3

Larissa Reimer

Yay I popped on here earlier in the day and didn't see this episode was up so I thought maybe you wouldn't uploading one today. I'm glad you did! The intro of this season is so so good!! The way they changed up the music to be more rock like. Gosh it just makes the theme sound even better! And this season I can't wait to see your reaction to it!

James Gorman

The return of Rose does mean something but there are so many threads that will be revealed!

James Gorman

Doctor Who is a Sci Fi Drama Series that can be serious, terrifying, dark, funny, uplifting, inventive, imaginative, fun and entertaining. It is a serious Sci Fi tv show but it can be hilarious as well.

monguru (Rose Tyler fan)

I'm so glad you liked this episode so much! I think season 4 is the best, there's so much adventure and emotion. Please try to spend more time on yourself. Because sometimes saying no is as hard as it is, you're hurting yourself.


I can say it is the 4th series of Doctor who. It succeeds the 3rd series. It has the Doctor in it. It also has a number of episodes. Oh and the TARDIS is in it too.


There were tons of things in future episodes that were also spoiled. Hell, basically every regeneration, you knew when the actor was leaving and who was taking over months before the regeneration episode aired. You knew which episode they were going to regenerate in. Just once, I want a regeneration where we have NO IDEA it's coming. No clue who is taking over, no clue someone even is taking over during that episode. It just ruins the show. There was a major thing (not going to even mention what, all I'll say is it is during one of the most recent series to air) and it was revealed in the trailer. And it just ruined it. I think we have only had 1 genuine actual surprise that we had no clue was coming (although I myself was spoiled of it as the Doctor Who youtube channel decided to put it up minutes after the episode finished airing and put the spoiler itself as the thumbnail. Give it a little time people...)

Niall NC

FINALLY!! My favourite season, outer space besties flying through time and space!!! This season is wonderful. Donna's growth from her first episode to this one is beautiful to see. She's not just one note, screaming the place down. She's empathetic, passionate, caring. This season is truly beautiful and Donna SHINES with each passing episode!! The Doctor having Donna as a best friend and not a lover is such a fun dynamic that the show needs after 3 seasons of the companion being in love with him. God, I adore Donna! YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS SEASON, I JUST KNOW IT!!!

Chris Janes

Donnas grandad Wilf is the absolute best, their relationship is so cute! I think you're gonna adore the new episodes with her and The Doctor too, I know I love them a lot. Very excited to see them!


Catherine Tate and Donna Noble's stories aren't too disimilar. CT was only supposed to be in the one episode. RTD had written an outline for a S04 with a completely new companion. He really loved working with CT so had reached out to her and asked if she'd be interested in returning. When she said yes, because she regretted saying no the first time, the threw out everything he had and wrote the new S04 around her. Also, as others have mentioned, the grandfather was in the Titanic Christmas special. He wasnt' supposed to be Donna's grandfather. They had shot all of his scenes with the actor who played her father in The Runaway Bride, but he sadly passed away shortly after. The loved working with Bernard Cribbin's so much they asked him back as the role of grandfather. With kind permission from the the actor who played the father they recently released his versions of the same scene's and it's beautiful to watch, but it has to be said, Bernard aka Wilf if such a gem, it wouldn't be the same without him.

Martin Holt

Bernard Cribben (the grand-dad) always makes me tear up a little. This character reminds me of my own grand-dad, not so much in looks as in demeanor.

Martin Holt

*Donna* *Sniff* 'I'm not going to cry anymore.' *Rose* 'Goddammit!'


Series 4 is widely considered one of the best, if not the best season of modern Doctor Who so you're in for an absolute treat. Also the Rose reveal towards the end of the episode has to be one of the most memorable jaw drop moments in British TV history.

Jerry Setty (SpTigerJD1)

Finally all caught up. Been binge watching. Best parts of the episode for me were when they were miming (or whatever you want to call it)/talking through the glass and when Donna joined the Doctor. As I said on your YouTube video, been waiting for you to see Rose again and that I liked Wilfred Mott (the grandfather, sadly the actor who portrayed him passed away). As always, enjoying your reactions and can't wait for more.


NICE! You've been busy 😅 I loved the lip reading and trying to work out what they were saying 🤣

Paul Hess

Catherine Tate is a different breed than most companions and I’m glad you’re falling in love with her here. She’s a great comedy actor so she brings this wonderful energy to all her scenes. She and David Tennant reflect perfectly off each other so it makes for a great season and some of my favorite scenes of the entire series, and a couple of other “my favorite XYZ somethings” that I can’t mention happen this season also. In addition to Donna, I think Wilfred is my favorite companion’s family/friend and I love every time he appears in an episode. One thing that makes Doctor Who so awesome to me is that it can have a best of something (for instance Chris Eccleston was the top actor / most intense doctor IMO) but there is still plenty of room for other types of bests in future seasons, like Tennant being the most iconic new-who doctor IMO, like best episode (some say Blink or my personal favorite Girl in the Fireplace), best moments, best guests, best companions, best regeneration, best companion leaving, most wibbley wobbley timey wimey plot, best callbacks, most jaw dropping happening, and so on and so on.


I've watched a few episodes ahead so I can prepare for a break over Easter and still have videos to upload without recording and I have to say that I LOVE DONNA. She's probably my favourite companion so far already HAHA! I cannot believe how much I adore this show. It still stuns me!

Daniel French

Great reaction as always Juliette, I love how invested you've become in this show!! You'll probably notice in future episodes but David's hair this season/series is more wild and I love it!!

TDA Entertainment

And here we are my absolute favourite season of Doctor Who EVER. Strap yourself in, I'm sure from the few episodes that you've seen already that this season is an absolute emotional rollercoaster!

Aidan Fleming

The plates of the Earth SHIFTED at that Rose reveal… SO SO SO happy we’re watching Series 4 at last- you’re gonna love it!!!!❤️


Oh, thank you for mentioning the versions with Donna's father, I wasn't aware that they were released. I found them on YouTube now https://youtu.be/LdBNp_PRcJA?si=yXjNUcgzSZltSnnW and although I do love Wilf for obvious reasons the father/daughter scene is also very touching in its own right!