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While sorting and cleaning my PC, I found this old sketch of Archie and El before she traveled to Alola - I once started working on this during a Livestream! It's been some time since then...this might have actually been EVEN before I started this Patreon! JESUS...
I double-checked but apparently I NEVER uploaded this unfinshed sketch here before.

SOME LORE-BITS I have no idea if I ever get to talk about in the comics so HERE WE GO:

Archie became sort of a mentor-figure to El, back when she travelled and stayed in Hoenn for a good year and a half. When El arrived in Hoenn, she unintentionally bumped heads with Team Aqua multiple times as they chased for the Blue Orb to reawaken Kyogre. El decided to help in stopping both Team Magma and Team Aqua from causing a possible natural catastrophy, but Archie and El quickly became "Frienemies" and developed a bizarrely friendly rivalry, a cat-and-mouse-game so to say, as El kept chasing after Archie to prevent him from getting the Blue Orb and Archie constantly mockingly encouraging her to keep the chase going, as he escaped her over and over again. ("I'LL GET U NEXT TIME ARCHIE" "NU-UH")
They were.
They were NOT taking this seriously.
And then he managed to reawaken Kyogre.
And then things got VERY seriously...

After that whole ordeal of almost drowning all of Hoenn and catching Kyogre in the cave of origin, El and Team Aqua would part ways for now and Archie decided to turn a new leaf with his team,  experiencing the consequences of a too radical approach to preserving the lush nature and life of the ocean. They'd begin their efforts to become a legal nature conservation organisation and fight for the protection of Hoenns reefs, for turning parts of Hoenn into nature reserves and decrease fishing in certain spots to avoid overfishing certain species.

El and Archie would meet again at the Battle Resort, after El had mainly focused on becoming a contest star in Hoenn. She had built a sort of resentment for battling and especially for the competitive scene, for viewing her Pokemon as weak and pathetic. But this was just one half of the truth. El had grown reluctant to battle because she had been ridiculed for her skills in Kalos, or more of the lack thereof. She was the daughter of a Gym Leader with no skills for battling. She felt like an embarrassement, but due to her father working in another region, she also never had much of a tutor to teach her about strategies, movesets, stats and the many varying weakness and strengths of Pokemon.
With Pokemon Contests she found comfort in the fact that all her "weak" Pokemon could still shine brightly in a different way.
But it wasn't enough. She loved doing Contests, but she still wanted to prove her worth. She wanted to prove the other trainers WRONG. Her main Contest partner had been Lumineon and she wanted the world to see that there was more to this butterfly fish than trainers thought. But the Battle Resort was tough. And people kept telling her that if she wanted to win, she'd have to start using stronger Pokemon.
When she was doubting herself the most, questioning if she should give in and adapt, that's when she met Archie again, who assured her she was on the right path and encouraged her to keep fighting with her favorite Pokemon. All she needed was a strategy and trust in her team. Archie didn't have to do much, he didn't even teach her much about strategies, that's what El ended up REALLY getting into. But he was there to support her and would agree to training sessions until El grew confident enough to face the Battle Resort with him in multi-battles. After a few trials and errors, Archie and El actually managed to gain Lumions first Battle Resort Ribbon. And when El had just started to get into competitive battling, her mom contacted her about the purchase of an appartement in Alola.
And that's when El decided to leave Hoenn for a "quick vacation" to Alola, to help her mom settle into their new holiday appartement on Mele Mele island.




So El has kyogre stashed in the pc?

Eleanor Bick

Yes and no - she got instructed to catch Kyogre, but she wasn't keen on keeping such a powerful Pokemon. The thought of being responsible for such an ancient GOD with how inexperienced a trainer she was at the time felt overwhelming to her, so she brought it to Professor Birch. Technically the Pokemon still belongs to her, but she promised herself that once Archie would have turned his organisation around and show enough responsibility, she would entrust it back to him.


ORAS Lore let's goo! But seriously love this, and the fact this implies El has Kyogre