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Hey everybody!

This update is coming a week late, but still, here's your monthly schedule on what I'm planning to do this month!

Our numbers have been shrinking these past two months, many people are currently struggling financially due to inflation and I completely understand that some of you had to cut their subscriptions because of that. I hope I might see some of you again in the future, but for now, I wish you guys all the best in these harsh times and thank you all for your support!! 🥹

Given all that, this also means that I'll be working more on commissions in February and March to cut my losses and time for personal projects will be cut shorter for now. I'll still try to keep my feed active though.

But for March I'll be planning a special event, where I'll be offering free trials for the Sweets pledge for a full week! Free trials on Patreon last exactly a week, before people can decide if they want to officially join a pledge and expand on their trial.

For that occassion I'll be hosting a POKEMON TOURNAMENT!

(El sprite by @jsketch12 on twitter!)

Since Nintendos Online Service will go offline on the 4th of April, I'll offer people the chance to challenge me and my original Comic team in Pokemon SM/USUM!

If you still got a Nintendo 3DS and a copy of Pokemon Sun/Moon or Ultra Sun/Moon, you should be able to join this event and battle me! We can't stream the event unfortunately, but we're testing out the concept this Sunday on my Discord server. You can join me in voicechat this Sunday at 4pm and 8pm CET. (Server Link can be found on the pinned post on my Patreon page)

I've actually gotten a lot of messages this month for bigger commissions I'm really excited about! I'll be illustrating a book cover for a fantasy book about snakes for a self-published author from California! The concept sounds like a lot of fun, so I'm looking forward to pitch my first drafts to my customer.

Also I am still currently in therapy for my thyroid issues, but we're making incredible progress! I have decided to put my search for a book agent aside for now, as long as I'm still healing. I need to be at full power should an agent get back to me and right now I'm just in no condition to take on the publishing world. So I'm taking my time in February to do commissions and work on other projects instead.

Projects I DO hope to work on besides of Commissions will be shorter Pokemon Comics and smaller comics in general. And also maybe some DRAGON Art! Now that Gladions Arc is FINISHED and will be published next week, I really want to have my fun with SHORTER silly comics again before tackling a new story. Or maybe some silly sketches of Guz, Hau and El to get back into the swing of things, it's been a while since these dorks hung out! Especially Guzma has been getting the short end of the stick for a while...

Short video ideas are also running through my head, but for now my mind is HAPPIEST at the thought of comics and painting dragons for the Chinese New Year.
OH And my mind is running wild with a new original story of a COMPLETELY different genre, but that one will take it's time until it finds its way onto paper...

THAT'S ALL FOR NOW, as always thank you all SO MUCH for your immense support, I appreciate every single one of you who's still able to support me and my work financially, it truly means the world to me 🥹🥰❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Best wishes and I'll see you guys soon!


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