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Hey guys! I wanted to give you guys a fun little update - Over a week ago on Friday the 19th I got interviewed by my old friend Thomas! We got to know each other during the pandemic and only for a brief time, but he recently reached out to me again and asked if he could interview me for an indie documentary he's pursuing!

When he came with his whole equipment I was amazed by the fact we even managed to SQUEEZE ALL OF THIS STUFF INTO MY LITTLE ROOM, with enough space for us to sit inbetween and my little working space being presentable for the camera :'D

Thomas is a professional photographer, but has also been doing jobs as a video editor with getting his first job last year to edit a music video! He's a whole one-man-production right now with no budget for the documentary but still hopes to find a production company willing to fund it and share it. When he got in contact with me on Instagram about his Documentary, he told me  "The concept is 'How content creating and social media are impacting arts  and artists.', and one of the triggers to persuade it was seeing you  venting about producing your arts in a content way."

I remember ranting about this issue in my stories on Instagram when I felt incredibly burned out in September. He has seen a lot more artists like me venting about the immense pressure and struggles of keeping up with social media and how websites like Instagram are basically forcing artists to become content machines in order to be seen at all. He's going to interview 10-12 more artists about this issue, from photographers, to painters to illustrators like me and I hope he'll be able to finish his production! He is VERY ambitious about sharing it on Film Festivals and potentially releasing it on a big streaming service like Netflix one day! I'm wishing him ALL THE BEST in seeing this project through because it sounds like A LOT of work and some of the artists he wants to interview have been hard to reach because they're constantly busy :'D My flexible schedule was quite a relief to him xD

The interview lasted a whooping ONE HOUR AND FOURTY MINUTES with NO BREAK and we even SKIPPED a couple of questions because my answers already included answers to other questions he had :'D I talked like a waterfall so we didn't even notice how long we had already been recording... I already know that not much of the stuff I said will be included, so I am very curious to see which tidbits he'll work into the documentary at the end :D

All in all, it was GREAT FUN! I was COMPLETELY DONE FOR by the end, but it was a great experience! Thomas felt incredibly guilty at the end for the time I invested, since his documentary is a no-budget production and none of the people he interviews will get any compensation, but he had already made me aware of that early on and I was okay with it.
I just took it as an opportunity to practice being in front of a camera and I was happy to help him out! I had been interviewed in the past before, when I released my first books back in 2017, but I had never been FILMED for an interview before.

I'm happy to say I had A LOT of fun in front of the camera and after a few minutes I felt pretty comfortable and talked freely without stumbling over my words! Especially considering I had to speak english the entire time, I'm glad things worked out so well! This was a great exercise and I'm excited, knowing that I'm ready to show myself when my books get republished and I'll get to step into the spotlight once more!

Thomas and I will stay in touch, so if there'll be any updates on his Documentary, I'll let you guys know! :D



Jessie Bear

Congrats on the interview, and good luck to both you and Thomas!!