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Hello everyone! I'm back from Christmas with the family and lord knows I'M EXHAUSTED...
I got WONDERFUL GIFTS from my family and friends and I got a book from my Dad that he just..bought when a customer in line at the register recommended it to him and it turned out to be the best book I have read in over 10 years so WHOOP-DE-DEEEEE I'M FINALLY READING SOMETHING AGAIN

WHICH IS GOOD Because I'm still not healthy again and the holidays have definitely taken a toll on me...I am GLAD I have the last days of the year now free to do absolutely NOTHING but rest in bed. Only yesterday evening did I feel the strength and motivation again to draw something easier - and yep, as ridiculous as it may sound, drawing horses is still easier for me than drawing human characters like Gladion, Guzma or El, otherwise I might've doodled on the comic.

But I think comics and commissions will rest now until January next week and I have NEVER enjoyed laying around this much in bed since I got that book my Dad got me for Christmas. IT'S REALLY GOOD! It's called "Fourth Wing" and I forgot the Authors name uuuhhhhhhhh but  it's about a girl being forced to go to a Military Academy for Dragon Riders and her fight for survival to get to be chosen by a Dragon and survive the rest of flight training. Half-way through and I can only recommend it so far!!

ANYWAY This Pegasus is on of my favorite foals from Bella Sara: Ruskin! I wanted to draw him as an adult but with the short mane and silly pose he still looks like a foal lmao




Your art is always so pretty, Im always glad to see it whenever you post.