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Hey everyone! I wanted to send out a quick follow-up after the last update. I wanted to thank you all for your kind and encouraging words and especially send out my thanks to everyone who immediately offered their help to me and my mom to cover the bills. I received extremely generous donations, a special shout-out goes to Joshua and Jezz, and some of you also raised their pledges for this month and I am so incredibly grateful for all of you, you all brought us through this month!! Thank you SO much!!!😭💖🧡💛💚💙💜💕🥰 

The bill for our car has been completely covered and there are only a few forms left for my mom to fill out, then we should get financial support for the upcoming month. I messaged a previously interested customer and got a small commission to start with, that shouldn't take too much time to complete. I'll move on to the next customers on my list once I'm through with it! If I end up making enough progress shots during work, you'll of course get to see my step-by-step progress again on the commission. 

On Thursday I contacted a big children's book publishing house located in my city, requesting a private meeting with an editor I briefly know there, but it will probably take a bit until I get an answer. I'm a bit nervous, but besides the absolute rollercoaster this week has been, it actually showed me how well supported I am and how many kind and helpful people there are in my life, weither it be online or in my day to day life! So even though these times are unusual for me, I think I'm still on the right track, even if I can't clearly see a destination right now, since everything depends on the next few messages I'll get, but still, I feel like I'm guided and protected and I'm incredibly grateful for all the kindness I've been shown this week!💕💖 I'm sure everything will be in the balance again! 

So thank you all so much for your support and I'll keep you all updated on how things are going and let you know if something new is happening, but from now on I hope they'll all be positive news again!

I might be a bit quiet for the next week on Discord, since I'm of course quite stressed out and tired from this week (I did so much jaw clenching that I had to go to the dentist jfdkjgf), but I'll still need to make a bunch of phone calls tomorrow, so I might be not very communicative otherwise, I'll need a bit of time to recharge. 

Thank you for understanding, thanks once again for all your help and I hope to see u guys soon again when I feel refreshed and energized again ;w;
Best of wishes,

~Eleanor 💖



🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 💖 👍🏽


So glad to hear things are getting back on track for you.