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Hey everyone! 

I wanted to give another update for this month, since things have been quite turbulent. I didn't want to openly talk about this, but since both me and my mom were unable to work for nearly 2 months (she was sick for 8 weeks, I was for 5), it actually left a bigger hole in the bankaccount than we would like to admit. If it weren't for you guys, things would have been MUCH worse already , so thank you so much for supporting me during this time 💖💕
However, a lot of new bills have come our way, the most recent one being repairs on my mom's car, which tbh isn't surprising since its 8 years old and there have been surprisingly little incidents so far, but now it's a bit like everything is happening at once now that we're just getting started again and can continue our work again.

What this means for me is that I'll once again have to set the Comic Dub on ice. I am currently waiting for an answer to an application I sent for a Convention in October and I will have to fully focus on commissions, get the ones I currently have done as quickly as possible and get back to followers who had previously asked me for commissions when I couldn't take on more.

I also want to call a big publishing house tomorrow that's located in my city and ask for an appointment. I have an old contact there that I might be able to reactivate and I hope to pitch my book series to her.
When I got healthy again, I was so pumped to advertise my patreon and gain a more stable living, but right now I feel like I can't advertise it in good conscious because I don't know what I can offer right now.
I'm so glad that so many of you have come here simply to support me because you want to see me grow and succeed and I couldn't be more grateful for that. But I'm getting a little worried that I might not be giving enough back and I don't want to disappoint you guys.
While I was sick I had so many ideas for new projects, but now they're all floating in limbo, they feel lonely and uncertain and like I can't currently invest in them, I'm not sure anymore if they'll lead me to the right path and will help me move forward.

Now more than ever I want to get out there and meet people, get the books out,  make new contacts, get to know people who can help me with questions I have, know how to organise events like readings and signing hours ect., go on conventions, build a team I can rely on, because right now it feels like that whole responsibility is resting on my shoulders and I couldn't even say WHAT responsibility, probably the responsibility of making a living, being somewhat successful, having it all figured out and not letting anyone down.

I'm trying my best to stay positive and to not stress myself out, I've actually been doing quite well mentally since May and had always felt a level of safety and trust since then and I am doing my best to uphold that feeling. It doesn't help if I break down now, we have to move forward.

So I thank you all who have been supporting me or have even highered their pledges over the last few months, because right now we can really use every penny that comes in and I'm so grateful that so many of you stayed even when I was sick and could barely post 💖 You guys are the BEST 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💖💕🧡💛💚💙💜
We'll get through this, I know it. Mom and I may be off to a rocky start, but things just have to improve from now on.
Thank you all for reading!



Ossian Edström

Don't forget that you are allowed to feel the dissappointment about this too! You're allowed to feel bad about it. That does not mean you are not making progress and moving forward. That said, I admire your dedication, spirit and focus and you WILL make your way out of this. You've got this and try not to worry too much about dissapointing people. Sickness happens to everyone and you have never let me down. Keep going Girl! I look forward to seeing you shine