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My first new illustration after 5 weeks of having to rest and stay in bed ;w; ACTUALLY it's not finished yet jfgdkjgfkgj but I thought it'd be fun to already share it because my god did I enjoy drawing this Pegasus so far :DD 

I found this drawing in an old diary/sketchbook while I was cleaning up my room around 2 weeks ago, when I thought I was fully recovered again ( I wasn't ), and then gained an ITCH to try my hands on a redraw! 

This was my take on a Pegasus design for the trading card game Bella Sara, are any of you guys familiar with that franchise??
I drew A LOT of fantasy horses back then, I was obsessed with those beautiful horse cards :D (Still am tbh)

BUT YEAH I think 12-year-old El would be VERY proud seeing how far I've come (she probably wouldn't believe her eyes LMAO), but actually I am still looking back on that Pegasus rather fondly, even though I can clearly see the wonky anatomy now.
IDK I think that's why I've never done redraws of my old art before - I can see the mistakes, but I think back to where I was at the time and how old I was and think "You know what - that's pretty good!" and don't feel the need to redraw it to sort of "outdo" my past-self. Especially since most of my old art is a product of its time with old OCs, Fanart or Fan-OCs that I am okay with leaving in the past where they belong, but with fond memories attached. Tiny El did her best and I love her very much for that UwU

Ok that got super emotional rather quickly but yeah, I'm glad I feel well enough to draw again :'D



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