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Hey everyone! Those who are on the Discord server already know it, but I'm still not fully recovered from my flu.
At this point I've grown so bored in bed, I've actually started writing diary entries, documenting my birthday trip I took to the UK at the start of July...that's where I caught the flu...on one of those fOUR FREAKIN AIRPORTS I'VE BEEN ON AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHRRRRGGGGG

Both me AND my mom ended up catching that sweet summer flu, so July was ROUGH for us.  Luckily our neighbor offered us his help by buying groceries and delivering them to our doorstep, which was really sweet :'D

Anyway, I wanted to take the time to thank you all again for supporting me throughout the month of July, despite the lack of content during that time 😭 You were all so incredibly generous, understanding and kind to me and I appreciate it A LOT. From my whole heart, thank you! You guys literally kept us afloat for this month! 💖🥰💕
To quote my last server update:
"When you live in a complete artist/freelancer home, not being able to work is. NOT GOOD JGFDJKGFDJGFDG This is probably the first time in over 10 years or more that BOTH me and my mom were sick together..."

But August should get better again, I'm still tired but it's getting a little better everyday! What unfortunately has made the progress so slow is the CONSTANT change of weather over here from one extreme temperature to the next, which has just been incredibly exhausting for the body to deal with...
But my Mom has lots of new business ideas and my head is nearly exploding from all the projects I wanna do once I'm at full strength again! :D

Like, and this will make y'all VERY happy to hear, I'm actually starting to miss drawing Pokemon Comics again. Truth be told, the work on the dub had made me grow vERY tired of my own series and I know I'm still gonna sigh and groan a lot until I'm through with the final episode...
But having to stay in bed for so long and getting a certain distance from the project again, I actually started to form some new ideas again for short comics and also the urge to just COMPLETELY rewrite some of my older comic scripts! I want to draw some funny and wholesome shenanigans again goddangit :'DD 

Actually I...uhhhh...also started writing on a script for a video essay 👀
The video is NOT POKEMON RELATED THO, If I actually end up finishing the script I'll tell you what it is, I don't want to get y'alls hopes up before I know if I'll actually produce this video one day or not :'D My main priorities will once again lie with the Dub and my commissions once my arm doesn't stick to my tablet anymore thanks to the heat, but for now I enjoy writing about a topic that's  been close to my heart since childhood days!

Looking forward to sharing more with you all and also STREAMING again once I can talk again without quickly growing tired :'D

Love you guys! Until then!
~Eleanor 💖


Eleanor Bick

OH I forgot to mention, there is a tiny Convention in Hamburg for ONE DAY on October the first, once I'm fully healthy I'll check if I can still apply on short notice, this would be SUCH a perfect opportunity to get back into the groove of selling at Cons again 👀