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And I thought why not share some impressions of my holiday because I always take like 1000 pics and then I never do something with them or show them to people so why not share them with you guys??? I haven't gone through all of them yet but here is a vague collection of a lot of different days and moments also birds. City birds :DD "Summerbirds" uwu

As you can see we overall had FANTASTIC weather??? And I really got to actually relax and do nothing for a while. Can't believe I was actually physically able to do that. Do NOTHING. Lie dead on the couch or in the sun for the first two days LMAO
We were in Denmark near Ebeltoft and we visited Aarhus and it was AMAZING! Got to walk the "Rainbow Road" on the top of the Aarhus Art Museum , saw some exhibtions, walked through the city and we also took some trips through the country side. Third pic is the view we had from our holiday flat, it was SO BEAUTIFUL :D And there were a bUNCH of bumblebees and butterflies buzzing and flying around the house all day! Plus pheasants, deer, hares, bats and even foxes far away howling at night...very spooky but fascinating to listen to!

Could've stayed another week there, not gonna lie xD But I also missed chatting with people and calling with friends, so I'm also glad to be back home. I feel a strange burst of energy today again, which I didn't feel in a WHILE. I think that's a good sign, maybe I can finally get back into the groove of working on a project! Baby steps tho, nice steady baby steps...

Also I think Imma expand the Discord server *again* LMAO, it's slowly but steadily turning from a livestream corner into a real community server :DD
Thank you for the warm welcome on the server, to those who've already said hi ;w;

Discord: https://discord.gg/FbWeqvFBrr




AAW YIS TRAVEL PHOTOS! <3 Sounds like the trip was exactly what you needed.