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Hello everyone!
As mentioned before, I'll be on a short vacation in Denmark, starting from today (23th) until the 30th of April! We'll have no Wifi where we're staying, so I'll be truly off the radar for a whole week 😂 It's been quite a while since I had a real break like that. We'll live close to a nature reserve on a hill so I'm super excited!!

ALSO I have been approved as a page artist for the Charity Zine "Winds of Hoenn"!!!
I applied for it over a month ago and I'm so excited that I got in, this will be the first Zine I ever contributed to :DD Of course I couldn't know back then, when I applied, in what condition I'd be nOW, but I think I'll have enough time to finish an illustration for them over the next couple of months, my right arm is bound to improve over time again for sure. It'll definitely get a good break NOW so I hope Denmark's fresh air and sunshine will help xD

I can't wait to chat with you guys again on the server when I'm back!! Very excited for that Owlhouse episode we've been talking about LMAO, that's gonna be the first thing I'll watch when I'm home 😂

Thank you all so much for your support and see you guys soon! :D

~Eleanor 💖😊


Kelsey Bigler

Have fun in Denmark! Take care of yourself and be safe❤️❤️❤️