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Ok so first of all, thank you all SO MUCH for your supporting and understanding comments on my last post, you guys are the best 😭😭😭

Second, the book is making good progress! Today my writing-juice however ran very low, so I felt like doing some shading on the comic, since that's almost always the most meditative part of drawing for me. No brain just color 😂




*hugs for Hau*


What do you mean I can’t hug a fantasy character drawing through my tiny iPhone screen?! So ridiculous.... on a side note, amazing work with the shading! Color can really bring a picture together, and you are so good at that! I’ve always found shading backgrounds frustrating, but you’ve done a beautiful job. Magnifique!

Eleanor Bick

Thank you so much!! :D I get you, shading can get QUITE tricky xD Often it takes me a while until I have found the right colors, but once I have a palette, things go rather smoothly! :D