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Hello everyone!
I wanted to give you all an update on how I have been doing this month and talk about some possible plans for the future of this patreon. I would like to discuss this with all of you, so I hope I'll get to engage with you in the comments!

Unfortunately I have been stressing myself out a lot lately with keeping this patreon active while still working on my book - a task that is nearly impossible to do without spending the time I was trying to save up for my book on other projects. I've grown anxious over if I can maintain the amount of money I currently earn from patreon, since there will be A LOT of extra costs rolling up next month.

But I have to stop stressing out, because in this state it will take ages to finish the book. And to cover the costs in June I have decided to open up commissions again and am currently preparing a new commission sheet for it. 

What I wanted to ask all of YOU is what we could do to bridge the hiatus on comics and videos as long as I have to write and work on commissions. I don't want to set pause on this patreon - I'll only do so if I have to take a serious break.
But I think there actually are a few things we could still do as a community while I'm unable to upload any new art. For example, we could do livestreams simply for interacting and hanging out! Maybe with Q&A rounds or sharing memes, all the good stuff? :D
What would you guys personally look forward to do as a community?
Maybe I could also do submission rounds, where, if you yourself draw, can submit a link in the comments to a drawing you would like feedback on and I'll take a look at it and give out tips on what you could improve. If that's something you would be interested in, please let me know!

I would love to hear from you, your suggestions, your ideas, your feedback!

And thank you for your patience and for supporting me! ;w;
~Eleanor :3c



personally I'm fine with just getting the comics early, anything more is just extra goods


everything we get extra is exactly this, an extra. I'm already fine with some sneak peeks, etc but hey, give us some memes. maybe even frustrated artist memes. we take it