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GOOD DAY YOU GUYS, since I'll be focusing on writing more this month, there'll probably be barely any art previews to share. And since I can't share any of my scripts, I thought about maybe doing a little experiment...

Leave me a writing-prompt in the comments and I'll choose one to write a little EAA* short-story!
(*El's Alolan Adventures)
Please don't send me SUPER specific stuff, I'd prefer some vague ideas and concepts for a story :D Which means the characters may vary too, just let yourself be surprised! :D
I don't have any deadline set for myself, but I'd love to share something short this January.
So yeah, give me your comments and I'll choose one to get writing! :D


Piok D. B. Lial

How about El being interviewed by *INSERT RELEVANT MEDIA HERE* about being the alolan champion, and what her typical day is like ?

Arcane Kitsu

Rainy day shenanigans.