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Oh my god I can't believe we did it, we're finally HERE
IT'S 2021

I wanted to give you all a small update on what I'll probably be working on in January but also what through all the hassle still happened on positive things for me in 2020 because oh boy
I sure am glad I opened up my patreon

2020 DEFINITELY still had some positive aspects to it!
In 2020 I...

  • posted more videos and comics than in any year before!!! And completed one of the so far longest comic-arcs for El's Alola Adventures :'D Really thought I'd spend over a year on it, ngl
  • published my first Novel "Fio & Tika und die Rettung der Bienenkönigin" and got some really positive reviews to it!
  • went with my pokemon comic on webtoons and found a new audience there, who partly already knew my comics through youtube comic dubs :'D
  • overcame my fears and reopened my patreon page and actually KEPT it open?? FOR THE FIRST TIME??? HOORAY!
  • still made new friends, who really enriched my life and helped me get through this year when times got tough!
  • finished my first gardendragons animation! :D I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but HOLY MOLY I did it!! And it wouldn't have been possible without you and the help of my friends, who gave me access to After Effects and taught me how to use it!

So many of my comics got dubbed this year??? Most of them by Starbot, BLESS THEM, they're INCREDIBLY sweet and supportive ;w;
But most importantly, a BIG THANKS to all of you!
You guys helped me become comfortable with this platform and maintaining somewhat of a posting-schedule and you've ALWAYS been reassuring and supportive, looking out for me, asking me to not push myself. I wouldn't have been able to keep my patreon page rolling without your overwhelmingly kind support, so thank you SO, so much!


I uuuuhhhhmmm hit a few twigs and branches too hard on new years eve when I went out on a walk
And then aggressively cleaned the house and that wasn't so good
SO YEAH, I SUCCESSFULLY VENT OUT MY FRUSTRATION OVER 2020 and tasted the consequences fdhfdffdh

BUT IT'S OKAY, it's just a muscle strain, it will heal over a couple of days again.
So I'm taking a break from drawing and will focus on writing for now! And yes, rest of course.
I actually had a blast today writing a bit on a new chapter of my second Fio & Tika novel! I think I got back into the groove, so I'll definitely have fun writing a bit in the first weeks of the new year.

Which gave me an idea that I will get back to in another post...hehehehehehe...

So yeah, for now I get to have a bit of a new years rest, but as always I'll keep you guys updated :D
Thanks for your support and see you soon again!


Corrina Floraline

I'm happy for 2021, I hope your arm will heal soon and have a lovely time.

Kondri János

Glad to hear all this progress. One question. Is there any chance Fio & Tikka could get an english release?

Eleanor Bick

Well, I sure hope so, but it all depends on how quickly we get in contact with a british publisher. They're very hesitant to publish german books and are more interested in publish THEIR books in german. We've been struggling with getting into contact with any for quite a bit, but I hope it's gonna change soon the moment we can go on book fairs again to meet people in-person.