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I found some vERY old sketches from 2016, back before Pokemon Sun and Moon got released :'D
Back then I totally crushed on Kukui (BIG TIMES) and wanted to make a short comic of what I wanted to do/expected to happen in the games

Which included

  • Stealing Kukui (me in denial: "Ring? What RING?")
  • Unironically becoming Hau's best friend
  • Chasing after Lillie for the WHOLE GAME until she finally shows me what's in the friggin' bag 

I honest to god did not expect to get my answers within the first hour of the game
Also yes my hopes and dreams definitely got crushed when Kukui turned out to be married
We may have gotten a vERY different "El's Alolan Adventures" otherwise :'DD 

The first picture still surprisingly holds up considering how little experience I had with drawing humans back then...I basically STARTED regularly practicing it JUST because of Sun and Moon




Phew...glad to know I wasn't the only one who totally had a crush on Kukui. Lol. ...feel like the people in charge purposely had him be married just to deter the fans from crushing too much. Also, I gotta admit, thanks to your lovely comics, I've come to really adore Hau as a character. (Can't deny that I miss the days of the jerk rival that I actually wanted to defeat in battle, but now that I've come to view Hau more like a friend than a rival, he's grown on me)

Eleanor Bick

KUKUI WAS SUCH A GIANT TEASE, they even wrote into his CONCEPT ART "SORRY LADIES, THIS PROFESSOR IS TAKEN" it made me fURIOUS xDD I didn't have a crush on any Pokemon Character prior to Sun and Moon (ok mAYBE Archie a bit hurr hurr) and then the first guy I lay my eyes on is aLREADY TAKEN I was so mad xD Since I didnt play before X and Y I never experienced the hardcore rivals of the franchise, so I didnt have a problem adapting to the friendlier tone...but I gotta say, the "rivals" of XY and Galar barely left an impression on me, Hau is definitely still my favorite in that regard


*gets flashbacks from all the pauses in the game from Hop “already knew about super effective moves?!?!”* ALSO CAN I JUST SAY!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT WHAT FEELS LIKE HOURS TO WATCH OPAL WALK IN THE TOURNAMENT!!! AAAH!