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This evening I saw that some artists were talking about today being #thankyoupatronsday and I think that's a SUPER sweet idea! :D So I thought on such short notice, I'd make a Q&A to celebrate! You can comment under this post and I'll try to answer as many questions as best as I can 😄 (I'll have to limit spoilers for the comics though, but still feel free to ask whats on your mind!) 💖

Thank you all SO MUCH for your support, my patreon is still quite young, but I've been having a really good time here and it's all thanks to how kind, supportive and patient you are with everything I do! Love you guys!! 🥰💖💕

(credit for the animated gif goes to my pal L SamohT ! :D)


Sinderella's Shoe

Since a lot of Pokemon Regions are based off real places (i.e. Alola is based off Hawaii, Kalos is based off of France/Paris), what’s a place you’d hope to see a region based off of in future games? :D

Eleanor Bick

HONESTLY I'd be super psyched to see a region based off Scandinavia :DD You could have Iceland as a DLC-Island perhaps and the cultures of the northern regions offer A LOT of legends and mythical creatures to base Pokemon on :D South America could be neat too, with Inka temples as the home of the games legendary beasts! Also I always really love the tropical theme, I'm always a fan of exploring rich lush nature and mythical forests in a region (as long as the layout of the maps are dynamic and not linear in design)

Kelsey Bigler

On a scale of 1-10 how much do you simp for Guzma