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Hey guys! :D As promised here is a short EAA ("El's Alolan Adventures")-related fanfic, since I'm unable to draw anything this month.
I actually posted a short draft of this for fun on my discord server about a year ago, so some of you may remember it :D It's...it's based on a silly habit of mine



Mele Mele Island, Saturday evening.
Hau, Guz and El decided to meet at El's place for movie night. It took a while to settle on a movie: Thrillers were out of the question for both Hau and El, romantic comedies a bore for the boys and Action-flicks an eye-roller for El. In the end they had decided on an animated feature. Who doesn' t love a good family-friendly adventure?  
As her Leafeons, Kira and Leia, already lay rolled up on the couch, El now stands in the kitchen with her friends, taking a long look at the snacks they've prepared:

Dips, chips, carrot sticks and a bowl of cucumber slices. 

Begrudgingly Guzma stares at the carrot sticks. You can't escape the veggies in this house. Fortunately it's not the only thing on the table, otherwise he'd probably not survive this evening. Two kinds of chips and pretzel sticks accompany the vegetables. But knowing El, she'll definitely force him to eat at least three carrot sticks or she'll stick them up his nose. Well, probably not, but she'll definitely threaten him to do so. 

Hau puts out the soft drinks they bought, while Guzma takes out three glasses. All that's left now are the bell peppers on the counter, that still need to be cut. Suddenly El get's an idea and a devious grin marks her face. She takes the chance to utterly confuse her friends and turns to them with a bell pepper in her hand. 

El: "Hey. Hey Guys. CHECK IT!"

Before they know what hit them, El takes a HUGE BITE out of the bell pepper.

* ~ "C R U N C H" ~ *

Guz and Hau instantly freeze and look at her completely perplexed.

Hau looks almost terrified.

Hau: "W-what aRE YOU DOING"

With a full mouth and a big grin El shrugs her shoulders.

El:"What? This is how I always ate bell peppers as a child!"


Pleased with herself, El takes another bite out if it.


With a cheeky grin, she closes her eyes to slits and provokingly looks at her friends.

El: "No"  

Feeling completely helpless, Hau turns to Guzma, who hasn't said a single word yet and didn't move an inch. The former gang-leader just stares. Stares in complete disbelief at what the hell she's doing. Until a small smile reveals itself and quickly grows in size.



Without hesitation Guzma takes another bell pepper from the kitchen counter and bites into it.

 "A N A R C H Y" he yells with a mouth full of bell pepper


Holding his face in his hands, Hau watches in horror as Guzma joins the dark side and starts laughing manically with El as they continue crunching the bell peppers.
There would be no bell pepper left for this evening. Only the cries of a distraught and confused Malasada-boy.