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Hey guys! A HUGE THANK YOU  to everyone who has joined this patreon so far, I'm happy to welcome you all and hope you'll enjoy what's to come in the future! :D

On that note I unfortunately have to say that my arm is still in no condition to draw again :( I noticed that recovery has been slow due to a vertebra up my back being askew, strongly irritating the muscles going through my right arm. I'm familiar with this issue, so I'll be visiting the chiropractor on September the first :'D

HOWEVER, this won't mean that I won't post this month, there is a lot of unfinished material and unpublished content I can utilize for this month!

Otherwise this current halt has still become beneficial to me: I am currently working on my books and have finally send in my manuscripts to a Literature Agency! I am trying to find an Agent for my books to help me get out of my current contract and find a more suitable publisher. I have a good feeling about the Agency I recently contacted, so we'll see how things develop!

To prepare for a change of publishing houses, I am also rewriting parts of my first book that I have nEVER been happy with (changes my publisher made), so that the reprint is gonna ROCK HARD

So that's what currently has been going on :D Also if you guys want to, maybe I can write a short prompt for something ridiculous El/Guzma/Hau/ect. related, so you guys still have something comic-related to read :D (Since I can't share anything from my gardendragon books...)



sounds great, but dont overdo it :)

Isabel Noorland

yeah you'v gotta balence it out for yourself dont go over board your already doing a great job with both your books and your comics cant wait till your arms better thanks for being an insperation el! P.S I LOVE your pokemon sun and moon comics, so thanks for making me smile. :)