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...4-5 hours later...

...at first, Cassie resisted, trying to block Calypso's cock, squeezing the muscles in her throat and ligaments, but since she was already preparing for bed after a long day and was very tired, soon her resistance became less and less. Somewhere after 3 hours
[1], Cassie realized that there was no point in resisting and it was easier to give her what she wanted. As her mother taught at the military academy, “sometimes you need to be patient to get what you want,” this lesson came in handy for her today. Cassie remembered military training, where they were taught to control body reflexes, pain and more. Over the next hour, she completely relaxed, ceasing to resist, surrendering herself to the full control of Calypso, and fell into some kind of trance to abstract herself from sensations and from the flow of a long time. Her eyes rolled over her eyelids, and the muscles of her face completely relaxed, becoming smooth and soft. Calypso, feeling the lack of resistance from Cassie, began to push her dick into her mouth more diligently, thereby stretching her throat more strongly, after about half an hour Calypso noticed that Cassie's warmed up and relaxed throat was almost ready, and when the moment came, she grabbed Cassie's head and with force she planted Cassie's throat on her dick[2]. So deep that her cock hit Cassie's collarbones. To Calypso's surprise, Cassie didn't react to this, emotionally or reflexively...

Calypso: ...hmmm... realy interesting, this happened for the first time in many cycles, I'm pleasantly surprised...

...Calypso said, looking at Cassie's face, which was planted on her cock to the core, but Cassie did not react to her words in any way...

...hmm, no reaction? So much the better, Calypso thought, continuing to work out Cassie's throat for a few minutes, taking her cock out to the head and pushing it down to her collarbones over and over again...

Calypso: I think now we can start...

...with a snap of her fingers, Calypso changed her chair to a bed, holding Cassie in her arms like a doll ... For a moment, Cassie came out of her trance...

Cassie: (asked almost in a whisper) ...have you finished this already? Can i g......

Calypso: No dear, we're just getting started. You pleasantly surprised me today. This has neve...

Cassie: Then finish this already and let me go...

...without waiting for an answer, Cassie gradually plunged into a trance again...

...Calypso threw Cassie on the bed, sitting down more comfortably, put Cassie in a comfortable position for herself like a toy doll, so that it was comfortable for her to hold her head...

...for convenience, she gathered both ponytails into one and squeezed them in her hand, lifting Cassie's head so that her mouth was over her dick

...Calypso began to gradually fuck Cassie's throat, finding a more comfortable angle for full penetration...

...after doing several repetitions, she found the perfect angle and began to build up the pace and speed of throat fucking...

...after a couple of tens of minutes, Calypso herself fell into a trance with pleasure from the tightness of Cassie's throat and from repeated vacuum wet throat collapsing sounds...

Calypso: aghh...fuck...so tight...so hot...so warhmmmm....hnnnn....

...strength and speed increased so much that Cassie's drool flew in all directions, and dents from Cassie's nose remained on Calypso's pubic

...after about ten minutes more, Calypso could no longer restrain herself, or slow down the pace in order to stretch the cosmic pleasure a little more. She hadn't even started to cum yet, but sperm began to burst out, flying out of Cassie's nose and mouth from each subsequent blow

...Calypso, closing her eyes, continues to fuck Cassie's throat without slowing down for several minutes, not even suspecting that ejaculation is already taking place[7], when she opened her eyes for a moment she saw that Cassie's face and her own stomach and legs were covered with sperm, at that moment Calypso realizing that she was already ejaculating, she grabbed Cassie's head and began to cumming, making the final strongest frictions, her eyes rolled back with pleasure, and her legs were shaking like never before...

...Cassie, from such a prolonged ending and without removing the dick from her throat, began to choke, coming out of a trance at that moment, but did not twitching so as not to spoil the ending

...when it was over, Calypso did not even have the strength to get up, she raising Cassie's head, and let her go, so Cassie can pulled out the dick, but Cassie was so exhausted that she just fall down back with her throat on Calypso's dick. after she sliding off from Calypso's stomach, she was still about three minutes regurgitated portions of semen, which burst outward, with each breath, not letting her catch her breath...

...without waiting for Cassie to come to her senses, Calypso teleported her home with a snap, remaining lying on the bed, enjoying the sensations after an intense orgasm...

The End :D




Cassie or even Mileena needs lots of pussy creampies like that too 😎😎😎😎

Taylored Printers

Poor Cassie, never getting that pussy destroyed like her throat.


Awesome job be good to see more anal pounding in different positions


You ever thought of doing some self anal with Portals


I thought, but I don't find it interesting so far, for me it's the same as masturbation with a dildo, maybe a little more interesting)


Wow, well done, Shizzyzzzzzz!