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It's not often that we see a blowout in a three-way race, but Sleepaway Camp handily won this week's poll, garnering 52% of the vote against Killer of Sheep's 38%, with Miracle Mile managing a dismal 9% (though some of its initial votes may have been strategically reallocated; I never checked in). '80s slasher movies aren't generally my thing, but I've gathered that there's something interesting about this one. Don't tell me—I'll discover whatever it is on my own. Seems to be streaming on Peacock at present.

Miracle Mile very nearly triumphed anyway via this month's random drawing, where it landed at #3. Close-Up, ironically, was quite recently withdrawn in what I think was semi-mock disgust at other voters' apathy, after nearly a year in the running; it's on the Criterion Channel, and got a 72 from me the last time I checked in (Sep 2010). The American, which appeared in 25 polls over something like 50 weeks (coming and going), is available via both Netflix and Amazon Prime. I'll of course also eventually knuckle down and watch Shoah, and can finally start tackling the year-plus requests (newest addition: Dune) now that I'm home from vacation.

As always, my thanks to each and every one of you for being part of this endeavor/community/life-support system. Also, do not miss Pig, my favorite new release  of the past several years. Odds are you already know more about it than is ideal (and I tried to keep my own review fairly vague), but I'd imagine it's possible to be dazzled without also being blindsided. I'm loving review headlines like this one. 




"...but I've gathered that there's something interesting about this one." *Bill Hader eating popcorn gif*


Are you still including the year-plus films in the random draft even if you're gonna watch them soon-ish?


Yeah, exactly! After some thought, I want to make clear: my original comment was more about Mike engaging with (what I would fondly call) trash cinema, which, to my mind, he rarely does -- not about "that moment" specifically. I'm sure he'll hate it, but that's what makes Mike great -- you really, really won't know until the movie finishes. (I like the movie more than most, but it's definitely garbage.)


I haven't bothered to remove them yet, because doing so is a huge pain in the ass. But I'd ignore them if they landed at the top. Most likely I'll delete them as I watch them, so that it's one at a time.


That headline told me more about Pig than I already knew. All I knew before is Nic Cage was in it. Of course I haven't read your review because after seeing your score (and other critics I like) I plan to watch it. It's not hard to avoid knowing things if you try.