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Kinda perfect that Peter agrees to be interviewed again, having sat out the previous three entries (i.e. it's been 28 years; he's exactly twice as old as the last time we saw him), and freely admits that he's doing so strictly as a means of plugging his new band. By this point, the series has gone almost completely stagnant, taking on the general tenor of a holiday card from distant relatives: "Not much new around here, we're all hangin' in there, let's see, what minutiae can I offer...?" Everyone's well settled in, nobody's quite yet decrepit. (Though there does tend to be a dramatic physical difference from 49 to 56, so I have that to "look forward to.") The unprecedented pairing of Suzy and Nick briefly roused me—did two of the subjects have an affair and break up their respective marriages, as a direct result of having been repeatedly thrust into virtual proximity?!?—but no, it's not remotely that juicy. Just a long-distance friendship. Apted occasionally gets a tad more pointed than usual, gently grilling Neil about his failed relationships with women and (finally!) Tony about his barely-veiled xenophobia, but he's not gonna risk losing access with aggressive follow-ups. Also, I think he misses a huge opportunity at this point in the project by not inviting the original gang's kids, virtually all of whom are now adults themselves, to look back at and comment upon what their parents were like at their (the kids') current/recent age. Surely they've watched the films—what do they think? Do they see their own foibles reflected in Mum or Dad's adolescence? Does a glimpse of 21 inevitably alter your perception of who your parents are at 56? I have only still photos and very foggy memories of my own parents as young people, would absolutely flip out if shown ancient footage of them talking about their lives, their hopes and dreams. In any case, now was the time to shake things up a bit, before senescence steps in to do the job properly. (I took so long getting to this that 63 Up has already been released. Steeling myself for the bad news I already know is forthcoming there.) 

PERSONAL UP: I am not yet 56! In fact, I'm still closer to 49 (for the next five months). The last time these folks were older than me as I watched was when I first saw 35 and 28 (in that order), at age 24 and 25, respectively. 



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