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(If you haven't seen John Mulaney's routine, you really must.)

Still about 20 minutes left as I begin typing, but this week's final matchup was such a blowout, with 2/3 of voters choosing Back to the Future, that I'm just gonna go ahead and assume Hot Rod won't successfully stage a last-minute comeback. [20 minutes later: It did not.] Really hoping that I still love this movie as much as I always have—it's been a very long time, though I'm pretty sure I have it all but memorized. Conveniently streaming on Netflix. 

UNRELATED QUICK HOUSEKEEPING NOTE: Some of you will soon be getting an email from Patreon explaining that they're now being legally required to collect sales tax from certain folks. Apparently this doesn't apply to everyone; it depends on where you live. If you hear nothing, you're presumably unaffected. Patreon claims that'll be more than half of its patrons. For most of the rest of you, we're talking about less than $0.25; those in the higher tiers would obviously be charged a little more, though still in the pocket-change realm. Sorry about this, y'all—there's nothing much that I or Patreon can do about it, really. Doesn't go into effect until July, but I wanted to give you a heads-up. As always, I'm deeply grateful for your support.

(Especially since I just today learned that California's new law "protecting" freelancers may effectively end my A.V. Club gig for this year sometime around August, as I'll have maxed out the 35 articles they can assign me annually without hiring me as a proper employee with full benefits, which is not gonna happen, get real legislators. There are amendments in the works trying to fix this misguided bill, but a post-maxout, pre-vaccine stretch in which this becomes my sole source of income looks very possible at the moment. So thank you in advance for saving me from destitution.)


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