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This month's random-drawing selections include a film that most of you have probably seen and a film that quite possibly only one of you (the individual who requested it) has seen. Apparently, The Miracle Maker is a (mostly) stop-motion biopic of Jesus, voiced in the English-language version (original's in Welsh) by Ralph Fiennes; I'm not religious at all, and had never heard of the film prior to its appearance in these polls, but will gladly watch anything y'all throw at me—I am yours to command. The Birds, of course, is an old favorite, albeit one that I haven't seen in at least 25 years. Look for reviews of both in the next couple of weeks. My apologies to Matt Dam—sorry, to La Dolce Vita, we ran out of time. (Seriously, I can't believe it keeps missing. Takes up 50 of ~800 spots now!)

Meanwhile, the global nightmare that keeps us all at home watching movies (while some of us pretend that that's not what we'd be doing anyway) continues. And you wonderful people continue to hang out here, for which I can't express sufficient gratitude. Thank you yet again for your  patr(e)onage, and I hope everyone's doing/feeling okay. At least apart from the pang of Cannes not currently being in full swing, or indeed any swing at all.




The Birds was something I requested for five weeks then swapped, did another person request it at some earlier time?