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Frankly, I can’t believe it took so long for the only Spielberg feature I’ve never seen to emerge victorious. Both of this week’s top contenders had been kicking around for a while, actually, with Rear Window getting a sudden boost of its own; each had been mentioned in the comments recently, so perhaps that has something to do with it. In any case, I’m excited to finally see Duel, which I think I may have deliberately ignored back in my video-store days on the grounds that it isn’t a “real movie.” That dude’s head would explode if confronted with the present content-consumption landscape. (Current head may yet explode.)

Have faith, Carpenter fans. It’s clearly gonna win eventually.



Thing is, if the Carpenter kept finishing in the middle of the pack I woulda left it to try its luck in the random poll after four weekly polls and quietly moved on to another pick, but the fact that it finishes #2 or #3 each time means I can't help but wait for whenever the hell it finally wins. It's become really something. (I'm not seriously frustrated or anything; this is all in good fun, and all the movies that have been winning the poll were more than worth it.)

