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Once per month, usually around the 15th (I'm letting Criterion's monthly announcement of forthcoming titles serve as my reminder), I randomly select a film to watch and review, chosen from those suggestions that haven't yet won the weekly poll (and have been an option at least four times). The idea here is to ensure that less popular movies aren't a completely lost cause.

This time, random.org's spinning wheel stopped on The Hitcher, which apparently nearly won the first drawing. (Can't be sure since I delete all entries for films that win and the others just shift up numerically.) Looks like it's only streaming on Cinemax, which I don't have; Archaic Netflix carries the DVD, though, so I'll probably just watch that (after 49 Up, currently en route). 

As always, my thanks to each and every one of you for making it possible for me to write about these older films. I simply wouldn't have the time to do so without your support, and am continually grateful for the opportunity. And to those of you making the suggestions: Keep up the good work. I'm maintaining a complete list, and it's really quite impressive. 




It looks like Cinemax's streaming of THE HITCHER is just SD as well. I know there was a recent 2K scan done and the film is being released in Germany on Blu-Ray, with a potential US release from Arrow looking very likely. Maybe hold off until there's a decent version of the film to watch?


If I remember correctly, the DVD doesn't look bad or anything, though it's definitely long overdue for a Blu-ray. Also, what a treat it was to open up this post and see one of my films at the top of the list. Just as satisfying as winning a poll (which I've yet to do). Kudos for keeping this master list and finding other ways to tackle it.


Right now I’m still re-watching one 1999 film each week, but once I’m finished with that project (around August) I may start doing more random draws. I really want to get to everyone’s picks eventually. (Just watched <i>A Face in the Crowd</i>, which I think appeared in only one poll before being replaced—thanks, Criterion. <i>Police Story</i>’s up next.)