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Hello again. Now that most people following this have had time to play the most recent update I'd like to talk about some of the changes made.

So, starting with the elephant in the room, why switch to a new engine? 

The short answer, Twine was too limited, at least for someone with non-existance programming skills. The project had become bigger than what Twine could handle, and so a massive change had to be made. 

Why VN Maker? Well as I just mentioned, I can't code. I did take a shot at converting Reborn App to Ren'py, but it didn't go well. Ren'Py is the superior VN engine in pretty much every way, but it's also very picky about formatting, and VN Maker isn't. Making Reborn App in Ren'Py will take significantly longer than making it in VN Maker. So while the finished product won't be as good, it'll be finished a hell of a lot faster. I'll do what I can to make the experience less terrible, but I'd rather spend my time making content than bashing my head against a wall of code.


Each update going forward will be a mix of three things. Story content that hasn't changed par a new coat of paint, story content that has been rewritten and improved upon, and brand new content (such as the new Mei split in this update).

So onto the next topic, what Reborn App will become. Minor story spoilers ahead. So the very first character you're introduced to in Reborn App is Hunter. In the early days the intro scene was pretty much all you saw of her. Back then I didn't really know where the story was going in terms of an 'ending'. Now I do. Hunter is kind of the end game that prevents the story from going on forever. She'll almost always show up at the beginning of the second week to force a conclusion. 

I'm hoping to have what could be considered the 'true ending' for Reborn App done by the end of the year, in which you'll learn about Hunter's past, and most importantly, what the Reborn App is, and Hunter's connection with it.

Anyway, that's all for now. 

I'll be making monthly Behind The Scenes post to keep you all updated, and as for patron I have no plans to resume pledge charges (for various reasons which I won't get into right now).

See you next time. 


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