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We're finally through May! It was a doozy of a month but we're excited about what's coming up this summer.


Patreon Exclusive - May 2023

This is a reward video for April 2023, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg



A little bit of an idea for Mal’s streams: What about a stream where she teaches us how to prepare for a painting, like finding the idea and sketching it? And then she could do one where she shows us what happens after the painting it complete and preparing to ship it? Just a thought.

Vaporous Flame

I’m a bit behind the 8-ball this month. I’ll get there in the end. I’m glad that you are feeling better from your TGA episode and the way that you have accepted how it is coming to affect you. It’s such a different experience than most people will ever have or come into contact with and its great to see you taking it in stride. Good to hear that you are enjoying Tears of the Kingdom. It caught me off guard as well with how good it is. Although unlike a lot of people I fell off of Breath of the Wild as one of the few who wasn’t a huge fan of it. I missed the bigger more cohesive story, the dungeons and building up the arsenal of items throughout the older Zelda games. But, Tears of the Kingdom, to me, does better on some of those fronts and the variety is a lot wider than Breath of the Wild, so I have been enjoying it much better. Mal the Cookie Temptress, tough times when you can’t have a cookie that is in front of you. Hope you guys have had a great June!