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(As of posting this, the video is stuck in processing hell — hopefully it'll resolve, but at least it's available in 360p for now!)

Here's the monthly update! It's incredible how much has happened in the house in just one week, and I'll give you an updated house tour to show it.

This is gonna be a good summer, but we gotta get settled in. Thankfully that's happening quickly!


Patreon Exclusive - April 2023

This is a reward video for April 2023, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Eric Taylor

Have you ever considered getting one of the low profile rubber pass through for cables to go on the floor so nobody trips?

Vaporous Flame

Haven’t had the chance to check out Mal’s streams yet but I definitely will, especially as it’s cooking which I love to do. The clips you showed look really cool, the alerts with the paint drops are just so fitting. You guys have managed so much in such a short space of time, it is amazing, and the new loft space looks incredible, such a good set up. It’s good to hear that you are pacing yourselves with it, moving is always such a drain on physical and mental resources whether it is 3 minutes or 3 hours. I know that I will have another one eventually but I am not looking forward to it. The unpacking is always such a grind, there’s always that 1 box you find later. Have you got everything from Myrtle Beach yet or is there still some stuff there that needs to come up? Balance is so important, it has been great watching you work that balance out over the last 12-18 months. It has been so helpful for me as I navigate it as well through changes in my life with changes in jobs for me. Still a bit of work to do on my end.


Once everything is all settled in the loft I probably will? I still need to put the consoles and their AV cables away, but once I'm really sure there's nothing left to do, I probably will. In other places I'm trying to put cables on the walls/ceilings to just avoid the floor completely, but it's been hard in the loft.


Chaz did a great job with Mal's stream stuff — the paint drops idea was actually his, and he implemented it really well! I've got everything from Myrtle Beach that we need for work, but there's still a few things there that I'll eventually want. One good example is about half of my issues of Nintendo Power are back there, but we've never had a good place to put them anyway, so it hasn't mattered much. I'll get them someday. Work/Life balance is easily the hardest nut I've ever had to crack. It's taken many years of trying but I'm finally doing a better job than ever before. I still have some work to do, too! Don't give up, and most importantly don't beat yourself up — that's one of the things I've struggled with the most. Self-care and kindness go so much further than you think.