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This is a huge one, but there is a LOT to talk about. January streaming plans, and 2022 YouTube plans. It's gonna be a wild year.


Patreon Exclusive - December 2021

This is a reward video for December 2021, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Angel Mena

its kinda interesting hearing from ur pov of yt cause one of the things that I’ve come to appreciate about the channels/community is that u dont follow the algorithm gods and very much do ur own thing. its not wrong but I can understand how it’s come to the point that u should pay attention to it a bit more. the whole "make new channel for other videos" point is an interesting topic cause ive seen this discussion happen with a different content creator. he is primarily known for playing overwatch However, for a yearish he wanted to post/stream diff video games like Apex or Pokemon and when he tried posting those variety videos in his channel, they tank and affect future videos that are overwatch based. So he made a 2nd channel for "variety content”. He also talked about watched time and posting too much content issues like u just have and its interesting seeing the different takes u guys are making to appease the gods if u will. It does kinda suck that most if not all creators that do LP or streams have to now make multiple channels cause I do like having everything in one location/channel. In most instances it makes sense to (like having a channel for LP’s and one for vlogs) but it doesn’t when u have to make that distinction within its own category like making a channel for ur main game and another channel for the random variety games. It honestly feels like the algorithm focus went from showing the content of the creator to showing the content of the topic/game. Idk if that makes sense but then again neither does the algorithm sooo…. I know u just started migrating the vods to their proper channel, but I do wonder how quickly the “healing” will show up number wise since I believe it’s been a few weeks since the vod channel was created right? Maybe a month? Hopefully it is a good steppingstone for the year of yt! Ive seen a few ppl mention about using tiktok to help grow and while I do agree it can I also feel like it can be vary overwhelming and it sounds like u have a lot on ur plate going on as it is. Idk maybe I just care to much about ur guys wellbeing :3


Hi Stephen If hypothetically you and Mal were in D&D as NPCs, and your loving wife theoretically poisoned you as a prank and blamed it on a cave spider, what would your NPC ask the party to do as a revenge prank?


There's an underlying desire to please the audience (in addition to ourselves), and seeing numbers drop means that less people get to enjoy the things we make. In a way, allowing ourselves to pay closer attention to what we "should" be doing also pleases the audience. It's a delicate balance but one I think we'll strike. I definitely agree about the algorithm changes. Things used to be quite different 10 years ago! At some point there was a shift away from the creator and a shift toward the creation. I understand that YouTube is a business and has to make money, but as a creator on the platform it honestly feels like holding on to a bucking bull, haha. The "healing" will probably be a pretty slow process — I'd expect us to really use the entirety of 2022 to reverse the channel's course — but we'll likely see change in smalls ways. There's also some other little plans here and there to help out, so I'm confident we can see some good things happening in 2022. Wish us luck, it'll be a wild year!