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Upcoming news for Mal, and a question of when we should be launching the next stream series.


Patreon Exclusive - August 2021

This is a reward video for August 2021, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Samantha P

Gah I’m always late to these videos! You definitely made the right decision about Luigis Mansion and holding off on Let’s Go. I love the play format you discussed but I’m more than happy to wait, I feel like it will be a celebratory game. :) Can’t wait for some Extra Life shenanigans also! Hoping all the best things for you both. Every time I get to the end of these videos I get just a little misty-eyed and maybe just a little po’d honestly. I FINALLY got my insurance to pay for $8k worth of stuff they owed for the baby I had LAST SUMMER. The unabashed BS and frustration of it all is still very much fresh… and that was SMALL compared to what Mal is trying to figure out. Anyways, hugs to you both. No matter what happens you are doing the absolute best you can— and mad kudos to y’all for kicking so much butt for so freakin long. Happy Fall :)

Elizabeth Ellison

I'm Back!!!! Phew, it feels good to be apart of Patreon once again. I've been out of the loop for a year, so I think I had ended my membership right before talk of Mal's health issues. I'm excited for the upcoming releases and streams. New games keep dropping (like Kirby whaaaat didn't expect that) and I'm hyped to see what else the channels hold. I'm wishing all the best for Mal in her upcoming surgery and hoping the insurance decides to cover it. When I had my hip surgeries back in 2016, my first one was covered, second not so much, and third wasn't covered either. The health system sucks, so if you aren't approved definitely set up a fund so we can help. I know it'll be a little difficult with Extra Life quickly approaching (wow it's been a year?!), but this community loves you and Mal and we want to see you both healthy! <3 Much love, and expect my FIRST LETTER. How have I been watching your content for 10 years and never sent in a letter?


Oof, I’m sorry you had to fight so long to get insurance to take care of that, but I’m glad they finally did! It also gives us some hope—while we’re certainly hopeful this final appeal will mean the end of the fight, we could always continue the fight after surgery, too. Not sure what that would look like for us, but we might have options. Hope October treats you well, Samantha!


Welcome back! I’m sure it’s probably been a whirlwind coming back while we’re dealing with this insurance fight, but hopefully I’ve done an alright job catching you up on everything. Within the next month we’ll have a public vlog finally explaining the full story, too. Can’t wait to read your letter, Elizabeth! I hope 2021 has been treating you well thus far, and continues to for these last few months!