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The monthly video is here! Lots to talk about, as more new LP series started in September than any other month this year. As always, thank you so much for your continued support here on Patreon!


Patreon Exclusive - September 2015

This is a reward video for September 2015, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Alex the Himedere

Hey Stephen, I finally became a patron. Honestly, the only reason I hadn't before was because I was lazy, it certainly wasn't the money. The amount of entertainment that my friends and I have gotten out of your videos is something that I couldn't really easily quantify. Whenever I have a friend over and we are eating or relaxing or just don't feel like doing anything, I always head onto your channel and find something to throw on and it's always a great time. That kind of entertainment value is, like I said, unquantifiable. The appreciation you show to patrons also makes all of this even more worth it. In the past few days, I've gone through your previous Patreon videos and I must say, it's quite interesting to get sneak peeks of things that have already happened. It's like watching the commercials on a DVD from a while back and seeing previews for movie's that have since been released. I've found it to be a bit of fun. Just so you know, I'm the one who sent you the "A Bird Story" steam key, as well as the other ABS and TtM keys that I asked you to give away. As you may guess, I am a huge fan of the works of Kan Gao, so hearing that he had contacted you and that you two had a bit of a correspondence kinda blew my mind. I'm extremely excited to learn about whatever it is that he intended to send you. I also must say again how happy it made me to be able to see you and Mal play through and enjoy both games. I can't help but smile when I get to see someone new experience those games. As for the Camp Fangamer videos that you asked for feedback on, I certainly have a few thoughts. First, and certainly foremost, I've yet to play Earthbound. I'll address this in a bit, but I just wanted to let you know that these opinions are from someone who has yet to play these games. I loved the Camp Fangamer vlogs, but I must say that they weren't what I expected. I'm not exactly sure what it is that I expected, but I know that it wasn't that. In all honesty, I had downloaded the first of the two onto my phone, and I watched it on the long drive through Wyoming on the way between Salt Lake City and Greeley, Colorado, and as such, this vlog had my undivided attention. The amount of heart and passion that I could see throughout the whole thing was truly astonishing. All of you Earthbound fans are crazy, in the best possible way. My biggest complaint, which is really more of a nitpick is that there wasn't a whole lot of you in it. I'm not saying this in a "you are the best thing and the only thing that the vlog can be about, the be-all and end-all of everything" but in a, "it didn't feel too much like one of your vlogs." Like I said, not necessarily a bad thing, just something that I had noticed. However, the biggest part out of all of this is that you, and the whole Camp Fangamer production, entirely convinced me to play and experience Earthbound for the first time. One thing I'd really love to do is "Let's Play" it; not for attention or views or praise, but so I'd be able to share what appears to be an amazing experience with others and, mostly, so I'd be able to get hints and tricks and tips along the way so there's nothing important, or even just notable, in the game I'd really miss out on. I'd probably wait for a bit to see if I can expand my channel a solid bit so I can get the feedback I desire, but, in the meantime, I'd like to ask you this: what should I know before heading into Earthbound for my first time? I could say a couple other things, but this is already becoming as long-winded as one of these update videos (see what I did there (but seriously I love these extra long update and information videos, please keep them up)) so I'll just leave it at what I've said. I continue to wish you and Mallory the best and look forward to more of your content in the future. Thanks again.


First: thank you for your support, Joshua. I’m very happy that our content has meant so much to you! I do in fact remember you, and before I had reached the third paragraph I thought, “I bet he’ll be excited about hearing from Kan!” We’re definitely looking forward to whatever he decided to send our way. I’m glad you enjoyed Camp Fangamer, and I’m glad you’re interested in playing Earthbound! My best tip for when you play would be to avoid online walkthroughs if you can. The game has a built-in help system through “Hint” stations throughout the game. If you’re ever stuck, you can pay the hint man a visit and he’ll usually set you on the right path. If you’re unsure what a particular item does, the “Help” menu option will explain it. You should be able to get through Earthbound with no outside help knowing these things! I’d also advise that you talk to everyone and soak it all in. Earthbound is famous for its funny NPCs and dialogue, so try not to miss anything! Once again, thanks for watching, and thanks even more for choosing to support us!

Catherine DeFreitas

(Please excuse poor grammar/rambling on my end, I've been studying Organic Chemistry for 5 hours or so and if you're curious LOL I'm screwed for the coming exam) Fina-freaking-lly that you're going to be a guest on TRG because yesyesyes, my life is now complete (and of course Jon would be okay with it, I would've been shocked if he questioned it at all). And man, I'm so sorry to hear that you won't be able to own a house at this time, but I'm glad that you and Mal are okay with renting for now. I wish you all the luck in the world with finding a place that you two will love with all your hearts! Also: I don't really comment on videos because I'm really shy and nervous and I'm afraid I'll sound like an idiot, but I'll say here thank you for doing what you do. I suffer from intense depression and sometimes it's hard for me to face the world, but watching your videos has helped me remember why life is good and that things are going to be okay even though they feel like they're falling apart. I'm proud to become a supporter of yours and look forward to what you and Mal will be bringing next! PS: Loving the "Chulip" LP, one of the funniest you've done to date! Okay, I'm done now :)


Thanks for becoming a patron, Catherine, and thanks for the kind words as well! We're now back from recording the TRG series and it went really well! The latest Patreon video (out now!) will tell you a little more about it. :D (Glad you're enjoying Chulip, too!)