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Well, I change titles of reports every time x)

So this is this month's report of progression.

## Concerning the 3D

The image above is using my new 3D workflow. It's a 3D render with drawing over it.

EDIT: I changed a bit her face after the post, I put it as 2nd image

I've got many feedback over many other examples from higher tiers, so in general, people obviously prefer full drawing, but still like the "new 3D workflow".

When I talk about 3D workflow I mean 3D+ drawing, not "just 3D".

Concerning my own feedback:

- Concerning the results, I like it very much, it's more consistent (You can notice that, in the full drawings, a character can look veeery different from a drawing to an other)

- Concerning "how I live" with that new workflow: I freaking love it, this is so much more pleasant than drawing from scratch... I don't think I want to comeback into full drawing. I love to manipulate 3D (I was already doing it before CwG, but now I'm able to 3D sculpt myself)

I personally see less difference than what people see in the feedback, but I have to consider it.

So, I won't redo art that I already finished for this update, but for the art left to do, I simplified the 3D render shading part so I can work more on shading "by hand" and then get a bit closer to the drawing visual.

This is for CwG, because I have to make it not too much changing, but understand that after CwG I will go much more on the 3D side of it. (As long as I find it beautiful, for my taste)

During the 10 first days of March, I worked on learning 3D sculpt and I created models for Emma and Valerie, as well as their skin texture & stuff. (I thought it would take longer, honestly)
So actually, I've been working on the new update content for 3 weeks only. (3D learn & sculpt is also work but you understood what I meant)

During these 21 days, with my new workflow, I progressed much faster than when I was working in 100% drawings, and also I got much less physical pain.

It is interesting, because: There is a chance I'd be able to reach 1 update per month again, if I continue to work like that.

It's maybe not for right now because After Emma's update I'd have to sculpt Berry and Sarena, and then once models are ready updates after that would be much faster!

Anyway, considering the progress, I'm 100% sure it would be during April, maybe the middle of the month if I manage to continue like that.

## After Emma's update, I'm gonna do a short 0.2.6 update:

The minimum goal of this short update: 

- Sculpting Berry & her anticipated outfits

- Finishing all of her level 2 daily life events to be ready for her next content.

It shouldn't take that long for this "minimum", less than a month I'm guessing. If I manage to finish it quickly, I'd add more content, such as filling out Valerie's daily life lv 2 (I have to finish every lv 2 for everyone before their lv 3 content)




The quality of this new style is excellent and I look forward to seeing what you do with it!


Personally I think this 3d+ style looks good as well. I will wait with judgement until I can see the "full glory" in the next update. But everything that helps with workflow, especially if it makes the artists life easier is something I believe should be exploited 100%

Dank Memer

I think using the 3d model to get the bulk of the work, particularly positioning and difficult angles but then just using that as a base to then draw over makes a lot of sense because I agree that the 2d does look better/more attractive in many cases but I can also understand how the 3d model smooths out a lot of redundant work. Emma definitely looks a lot better in this post than the other post with Valerie that's 3d but I think the 1st and 2nd image in this post are hardly any different/they both look good.


Wait so Emma's update is going to release the middle of April?


Personal I don't like 3D, but that is some of the best drawing I've ever seen 😍 ❤️ ❤️


Looks good keep it up. Love to see a sculpted Valorie. -cheers


Honestly it looks good to me either way, thats talent. Just go with whats easier and make you feel more satisfied with your work. It honestly isn't such a bad difference.


Wow this looks incredible, can't wait to see more of it. I'm not a fan of 3D models but this one really looks neat, keep up the good work dude!

Old Salt

Excellent! Can't wait to see more!!!


is there gunna be pregnancy available later in the game?


Can't wait to see more but, how much time for the next update ? almost 2months..