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You now download the beta test on Itchio HERE 

After 7 weeks since the last beta-test, It's finally there :D

Password: sarenagoddess

Change Log 0.2.4:

- Sarena's level 3

- Sarena's lv 3 daily life: Backyard, Morning, Party

- Emma's lv 2 daily life: Party, Living room

- Rework of Sarena's model, and her artwork at the backyard

Don't forget to save very often in case of crash, if you meet any issue just try to describe it and I'll make a fix tomorrow if it's an important thing.


Current bug reported: 

  • Emma's party has an error, you should be able to ignore, I just wrote the sound name wrong


Concerning the player's stats poll results, so I'm gonna keep these stats but it's gonna need a focused update to work on it.


The public update in a week, however before posting it I will do a little work on the UI, it should make less lags when you open the map. I will start again to post the web version after this optimization.


You can write your feedback, report bugs, or just say what you loved or not, in comment, on discord, or on the associated patreon.




Nice, though people got to be more patience. I am sure some more good animations will be implemented when it gets to the hotter parts. Quality works takes time.


Ultra Nice. Really good work Ero but i think my lovely Berry will the best of all the Girls.^^


Does anyone know why I cant enter a name on the android version? First time playing this version and my keyboard won't shrink out of the way, or progress after typing in a name. Enter does not seem to work?


Nice update, I'm assuming the next update will be Berry <3 I can't wait




I changed tiers for this


It crashed when you go with Emma during the party. Love this game and great update.


One thing that might need correcting. When you announce to Serena that you broke up with Zoe she says the line "You don't deserve someone like her." i think it might make more sense to flip that phrase to "She doesn't deserve someone like you."


is this really it for sarena's story line?


It keeps crashing when it's time to do the video with Sarena.


when it crashes, does it display the python logs? if so, you can just click ignore and it will allow you to continue.

barry white

I think this game is great...why is the progression a bit slow...when is the next update? I would rather not hear a story as to why its so slow but some visibility on time frames and deadlines


each update is about a month and a half wait give or take.


I love the game. Keep doing what your doing cant wait for berry and valerie to get more quests to do and stuff to interact with then.