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While finishing to write the update's scenes, I released that I... Forgot to put a "skill" wall... (You know, required level of skill to progress, if you fail you have to train and retry).

It made me wonder, is the skill wall that "funny"? I read zero feedback about that aspect, I only know some people don't understand why they can't pass some events because they don't read the "skill required" stuff.

I've integrated theses skills to add "gameplay" to the game, but is it really necessary? It was useful to slowdown and force the players to do daily activities before continuing and not miss content, but I intend to make a daily activity requirement for starting a new level (Not this update, you'll have to see at least 1 time every new daily activities after leveling up before continuing)

While I'm writing this post I'm even thinking about the relationship points... Like, is this required? Or should I just do the stuff naturally?

With the time that passes, I feel like I'm much more into writing and art, than game-play itself, but maybe it's important for players, the better option is to ask your mind about this.  I mean, if it's not entertaining for me and the players... But I haven't really asked players about that, so I'm doing now.

What do you think of the skill system?

Don't forget that in patreon version I give you the required skills so you're not annoyed by that, which you don't have at the final version.

I have not taken a decision, it was coming to my mind and wanted to know what you think.

Also, I could feel guilty for people that spent time on upgrading their character's skill. Just saying that to be transparent on what I feel. You're free to write your detailed mind in the comment section :D



Sorry I had to repost it to add a new answer ^^


Also as I forgot to put this "wall" in the final events then I'm not sure of what I'll do, change a scene or put it at a weird moment :/ or maybe not putting it, but it's weird... or take care of it in a future general update


It could just be because I get the beta updates that just hand you the skill points but I have really noticed the need for the skills. I think they are decent to have but I'm the type that trains their skills up to high amounts before doing anything so CWG has been simply a visual novel to me rather than a game. I wouldn't mind the skill checks staying seeing as they aren't hard to train up but I wouldn't say training them adds much enjoyment to the game.


Do you think the update will released after Valentine's Day?🤔


Answers surprised me, I maybe have an Idea of how I will manage it without having to rework anything

Mark Brugman

I am same. I train stuff up before I go stuff with the girls. Every game they have skill check. I get it up to high or max and then I can play the game.

Mark Brugman

I dont mind it. And like said before about release time. When ever u are ready. If u are happy with it release it. Keep it up and have a nice sunday

Anthony Docimo

I enjoy having my character improving himself in order to improve his standing with the ladies of the house. (and not just because it helps pass the time between interactions - though thats a bonus)


Will the update be released this next week?


Overall I enjoy the skills and training, but usually I just train up to max/near max and then play. I think I get satisfaction when I'm in a dialog/scene and an option is available to me bc of the training that is not normally available. Although I think this could cause big FOMO, especially is non repeatable content/scenes. Maybe keep the skills in the game and use them as a check for new/upgraded/updated daily scenes?


Honestly it's become kind of a trope to have in these games and it's not really a bad one to have, I always end up grinding (giggity) in games for stats and levels anyways. Plus I really enjoy your art so I have no problems with the skill wall forcing me to hang around the game a bit longer.


For me it's just part of the game and it makes the game more interesting to work for its success then you get even more excited about the result.


i put good as is, but honestly the first thing i do is go up to the computer room and just grind everything up to about 50 using skip, then make a save to use later if i want to play through again then move on with the game. its not really bad but can be easily trivialized.

bob kelso

You could give skills points by doing those activities with the girls, instead by getting them from the computer


As others have said, because you can just sit at the PC and max your skills in a few minutes, the mechanic is pretty trivial as currently designed. However, if skill increases came from your various interactions with the ladies, it would make more sense story-wise as you have to actually practice to get better. It would be a more natural progression, make the points more meaningful and would encourage exploring the different content activities at the same time.


Hello No, the skills are good to delay the story and allow you to wait between versions, but you would also have to add a choice that allows you to go to the next level, as you can do all the content, then do all the different activities to be able to then choose the option to advance to the next stage during one of the activities.

Dustin Westbrook

I lake it as I w for update to the game I up the skills it give me something to do with the game


I like that the scene played a little differently with Emma when I didn’t pass the skill check. Then I grinder for like 10 minutes to increase all skills. Went back and got some bonus scenes. I liked that


I think it's what gives the game a good pace. Having the more stubborn characters change their opinion of you after working for it is what makes it great for me.


From a story standpoint it makes sense. The MC has zero experience with any of it, so making him an expert with no "training" would seem strange. But I do agree with some of the previous comments on how it should get better as you do it with the girls. Only downside to that Is that I feel like additional scenes would be needed to show from inexperienced to expert.


Maybe it would help if you add more ways to rack up stats?


Maybe if the MC got a one time boost to his stat each time he used it on the girls their first time. Like in the tutorial when MC kisses Zoe and gets +5 to tongue. This could help reduce the grind a bit but still make it progress through the story.


I like the stats, but I think they would be better as a wall to bonus content rather than main story content.


Some people may find it trivial or boring. But honestly I feel like it does add a dimension of difficulty to the game. Not everyone wants it to be just a "fap fest". I'd say just continue with what you're doing. I haven't been disappointed yet. If it's not broke. Don't fix it. But I agree with some of the others about getting a small boost when unlocking some of the "new" experience scenes with the girls. That might help a little.

Seventh Sun

I honestly like the way it is, I know people don't like to grind in games but I personally love it


Def keep it, homeboy is a virgin at the start, makes sense he has do do some leadning


Though it makes sense for the plot, spamming the PC is tedious. Personally, I prefer to have you focus on arts and plot but if you really want to keep it then make this process more interactive like mini-games.


Definitely keep them. It makes you "work" for what you want haha. Some people just need to learn how to read.


It would be good if appropriate events raised skill a little bit and the PC raised it faster or were necessary to unlock a skill cap raise. There is already a lot of variety in daily events. Grinding the PC for skill points is not great.


I think you should keep the skill checks in, but I don't like how the primary way of increasing your skills is through the computer. The computer is a good starting point but it would be cool if the Goddesses would also increase your skills as well. Possibly "training" with them or from interactions with them. At the start of the game possible have light skill checks so the player/MC has to at least go to the computer a handful of times so they know where it is and what it does. This also makes sense story wise because the MC is not familiar with the Goddesses yet to train skills with them. Latter in the game when you build relationships the skills could be learned from/with the Goddesses to meet skill checks for the other Goddesses that would take longer to learn from the computer. The computer would than be a fail safe/backup latter in the game or have the computer have a max in can train so the the player has to interact more with the Goddesses. TLDR: Skill checks and skill increases should encourage the player to have more interactions with the Goddesses outside the main story. Examples: You Party with Berry at night and you get an option for her to show you how to be a better good boy for her. You than randomly get one of 3 training scene related to one of the skills and get a skill increase in that skill. You work out with Sarena and as a reward she lets you practice one of your skills with her thus rewarding a skill increase.


Dude, what happened with the update? :(


The game’s quality is awseome, but I’m out of being patreon next month. Too much time to make the updates and nothing special for the patreons, don’t worth the money.


Hey bud, Ive been a Patreon of Eroni for awhile now. I enjoy your game, its top notch. You have drastically slowed down the updates and I was fine with you changing to only 1 update per month and removing the beta tester perk. I personally think you need to hire someone to help you or figure out a solution to meet the time frame. Like I said, your quality is great, But now its starting to get frustrating of how slow these come out.


I just finished the current version of the game and I really liked it! The skill system makes sense and is definitely needed if you want to make a *game* and not an interactive visual novel. It is a bit annoying that we can only get 2 points of skill training per session though. That plus the fact that there’s only three opportunities to use the computer is even more so. The best time to train is to wait for Emma’s story to progress to the point where she waits for you in her room so you can use the computer uninterrupted.