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Confined with Goddesses is available for FREE!


For the free players, Sarena extra scenes, Emma morning scene, Valerie's story level 2

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I had to reset the android export so I think you might lose your save :/ I'm sorry. I tried on my own phone and I had to uninstall the previous version before installing the new 



This update doesn't work on my android please help live this game


I know my bad I just read it I feel dumb 😞


Sorry. I woke up on the wrong side of bed. I totally shouldn't have gone sarcastic and snrky. ImI'm sorry.. The lines were below the cutoff for the preview. Its perfectly fine and understandable to get excited and do the download without opening up and reading the entire post.


I just cam from the itch.io site where there are a bazillion people asking why the game hasn't updated in sooooooooooo long.


If those people actually bothered to follow Ero here or join the discord they would know why seeing as Ero give free status updates when things will take a while


I’m having issues with playing the game on my phone. It’s telling me “Error: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (see JavaScript console for details) This is a known issue in Safari and Webkit browsers. Please report this issue to Apple” and idk what to do