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If anything goes wrong just write your feedback to explain it and I'll make a fix. You can also share your hype or what you liked :p

Patch note:

- Valerie's level 2

- Valerie's level 2 daily life: At balcony, cooking, backyard, Morning, Party
Her others will be filled in the future.

- Emma's level 2 morning scene


I decided to keep the "Skip to new content" for beta testers, as a bonus for you :D


Next Update will be smaller, with specific events that are needed before going further. I may also add some more daily life events.
Sarena's level 3 will arrive right after this one.


I made it haha!

Doing this kind of stuff isn't my best point but I hope you'll like it ^^.
I really enjoyed to see the intensity of some scenes, with the vocals that are perfects! Val is really funny for me haha!

I didn't talked about it earlier because I didn't want to make it appear as an excuse: For a month already I'm busy with the biggest change of life I've had until now, I working while doing it, of course it's not something that takes all my time all the time, but it was still there.
I think I will finish it this beginning of December I hope, so maybe the public update will be released a bit more than in a week.
The simple version is that I'm moving on a new location, new country, new environment of work, that should be better for me and my projects ^^. Takes time but I can still work while doing it! (I'm joining the CwG's house!!! In my dreams haha)



Marko Saicic

LOVE the game so far, excited for more berry content whenever


How do I play the paid version from my phone?


Was there a halloween event i missed in this?


Also, just realized there's no replay for glory hole


The radio silence on here and no progress reports is insane


What do you mean? The last update post was Dec 23...which is neither radio silence nor a lack of progress reports.


There was one the 19th and one on the 7th....pretty much every week or two for a while.


IDK about anyone else, but I, personally would rather they spent more time writing code and plot and less time on progress reports


Progress reports take like 15 minutes max I highly doubt THAT'S what's cutting into their development time dude. Exaggeration much? Or should I just do a you and say your outright bitching whining and complaining about nothing?


Pats Jin on the head... Oh you poor it ignorant boy. Bless your heart for trying. But you have no idea what you are talking bout and your tantrum makes it just completely obvious that you have never written any progress reports, or coded. Especially stupid of you to try to defend a whiny bastard (or maybe your OTHER ACCOUNT) complaint because they claim weekly reports is "radio silence" and " a lack of progress reports".......your Zero dollar a month support doesn't pay for shit. You aren't a patron of this artist so you have no place to make comments, much less stupid ones made in support of stupidity. So shut up and get back in your basement, KAREN.


One of nice features about Patreon is that I can click on your handle/avatar and it takes me to your profile page...where anyone can read your posts. Which shows that the majority of your posts are whining about creators programming rather than writing update reports and you throwing about transphobic and homophobic insults.


Thank to people who are defending me but I prefer not to see any tension in the comment section, thanks ^^


This Robin guy is scaring me


Sorry to hear you speak hyperbole rather than honesty...that actually does scare me.