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Hey! What do you think of this animation?

I've set back my earnings to public, to let you know, as you are participating ^^

As I said on ma previous public post, I'm a lot working on animations. Every best game has it particular things like its signature.

For my games, I want it to be my animations. They are still not good enough for me but I think I do a pretty good job ^^ (I'm comparing to every animation I've seen in other games made with Daz3D)

I didn't do the base, it was made by a friend, I gave it to me, and then I've increased it and enhanced it, and here is the result!

  • I've particularly paid attention to her lips, and her cheeks, and also the dick's skin. In all blowjobs animations I've seen on other games It felt too weird, here it's not perfect but I like it. I will continue to enhance my current animations.
  • Also a little work on the movement to make it less like robot: Her head isn't moving straight, her chest is also moving with her. Also, she take ore time to swallow because it's harder to swallow than release it :D
For those who doesn't know, the animation is applied to her bones and parameters. Once the animations is done I can apply it on every (Genesis 8) Characters, I will just have to edit it to adapt the character's morph. So when I said I'm enhancing it, I'm enhancing the basic animation file that I apply to characters. So once it's done, I could give it to all of my characters. 

I've made 4 new Genesis 8 animation, 1 Blowjob, 1 standing sex, 1 Riding,  2 doggy-style, and I intend to take an old animation and enhance it, the one when you fuck Sophie standing.

The advantage is that I will keep these file and I could use them again. For example when I'll start a new game, I will have like 20-30 animations already prepared! (I could still modify them again )


So, considering all my animations and my new graphic card, I'm adding something more to the Update: I'm adding Some more sex battles with the characters

Pink   Caroline   Sophie   Momo   Okaa-Sama   Miki   (+ Berza, Ex girlfriend intro, Nii)

You could unlock them when you'd be able to have sex with them.

I will also add the request to make cunnilingus or have blowjob when unlocked, but only little by little because I'm waiting to have more varieties of BJ and cunnis. (For now you can ask Okaa-Sama for BJ, and I will add more at the end if I've got time)

I'll add the background in game, I just didn't rendered it at the same time

NB: I originally created a WebP animation, I've uploaded the Image when creating the post, the Webp animation is running, perfect, I click on posting, and then "error" it seems patreon doesn't support webp, but at the same time it was playing it after uploading it... è_é




That looks great


Almost done? Last update was really well done, its difficult to stay patient for this one.