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This poll doesn't make me take a decision, it's just a poll because the question has passed through my mind.
You can write more details of your answer in the comment section I'm reading everyone.
NB: It's also supposed to contain animations, but 2D drawing animations.

I'm basically a drawing artist, I've been even before doing games with 3D renders.

Here is an example of my drawing:

I was thinking about Summer time Saga, and I was like, that fact that it is made from drawings, it has something more than 3Drenders. I even started to learn Drawing animations (not by drawing every frames but by putting bones, like on 3D stuff), but I didn't get too far yet because I focus on Harem Island.

So it came to my mind: Could it be a good idea, if my next game would be a game with drawings, like summertime saga?

I'm not taking a decision right now, it's just that I clearly have no idea of what you would think about that, I just wanted to see your mind, I will take a decision when i'll get close to the end of Harem Island, also depending on this poll but I could ask you again before taking the final decision.

It's something very very different, so... show me what you think about it!


My own mind, independently of your answers.

It could be a big move! 

Positive aspects:

  • I could get free of the dependence of the Daz 3D resources.
    Actually, I can't design the characters exactly like I want, I can only use DAZ assets (outfit, hair, morphs etc...)
  • Get free of my files (I need my big computer containing all my assets, with all its power to make renders, if it would just be drawing I won't have to get home on PC to work)
    If I'd do drawings, I'd just need my tablet ^^.
  • I could progress a lot faster in the drawing world, drawing is my first passion, I think if all of my activities would be concentrer into drawings, I'd progress 100 times faster ^^.
  • More globally, I'll feel more "free", concerning art and concerning materials.

Negative aspects:

  • I won't lie, 3D renders is really cool because I don't have to make a new character on each images, once the 3D models is done, we just have to pose her (or animate)
  • I won't see my characters again, in game I mean.
  • I could loose a lot of people because it's so different to what you're used to see.

I won't 100% stop Daz, because it's still useful to study anatomy, and also for Renders: I will probably help me with DAZ3D to make backgrounds.

Thanks for reading me, as I said it's just that the question as gone through my mind, I won't be annoyed by continuing Daz3D at all, it's mainly to know what do you think about it.


Michael Chiarcos

Any idea what story you are going to be working on?


I don't work on the story at all for now ^^, I think, Whatever the style, 2D or 3D, for the next game I'll proceed like that: I will wrote many Ideas of scenarios, and people will vote for the scenario that gives them the most of hype! It could be fantasy, something in a home, many kind of thing I want to tell, and people will choose :D (I think I could select the 2 most voted by the public, and patrons will vote for the final)

Exar Kun

An adult game with drawings that I'd recommend is Good Girl Gone Bad by Eva Kiss. Along with Summertime Saga, it's my favourite!


if I'd do that I'll take a look at many drawing games, thank for your recommendation ^^

Exar Kun

It's just so you could get some inspiration of what can be done with drawings and story. Keep up the good work! Lâche pas!


I know you can do this. Whether it is 2D or 3D, art is art and I'm certain that your storytelling will keep fans engaged. Keep it up. Good luck.

wayne mathews

i play both types with no real pref but some games i prefer the 3d others the drawing so a mixed bag with me


oh no! again thinking in a new project in the middle of the current one


Of course, I'm not a machine, I'm not working 100% of the time I'm awake, and on my spare time I'm thinking on many things.

Oberon's Paradox

As an avid VN consumer, you have my full support :) it's also a good opportunity to expand and refine your distinctive art style in a way which can't be done with pre-designed 3D renders. Freedom and flexibility is king!

David Hornbrook

Well there is alternative. There is rendering methods with Daz3d, that you can make anime style are that looks pretty good. I've seen some pretty good art this way.


If you're talking about the characters, then I'd lost all the interesting aspects ^^. I will still use it for background or props, with some manga/drawing filters ^^


Good =)