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Hey! So here is a resume of the current state and what's programmed for the end of the month.

  • Harem  Island 0.7D: It seems that my update is working concerning the loading freeze. Some of you even tested it on cheap computers and it seems to work. I'm happy and relieved! 
  • There are 2 bugs on this version: Some backgrounds aren't shown correctly, and some quests are triggering when they shouldn't. I've already fixed it on my game editor
So, what for this end of month?

I basically planned a Pink focused update, but I just have 1 week left, if I did that there will be a bad quality of content.

I also have to finish that little Isabelle Image pack ^^, I was too focus on the update so I've put it aside but now I can finish it :D just needs 2 or 3 more renders

For Harem Island 0.71, end of January (in a week):

  • These 2 current bugs fixed
  • Rework of the first battle (in the introduction), New character model, new animations, new system. The current method is not good, I need to make something more clear & simple to be able to put more in game.
  • Music system (with mute)
  • Animation replay (only replays animations, not the scene, you'll have to play them at least 1 time in-game to unlock it

So this is more like a "comfort" Update ^^.

The February should focus on Caroline + pink as planned ^^




Thanks for the Momo heaven that was 0.7. I wouldnt mind if you continued to dish out Ooka&Momo stuff in later updates


Elisabeth will always be my favorite milf

Michael Chiarcos

Nice Original Super Hero post but have you tried "HeroMachine"? It's a really cool hero creator for those of us who aren't artistically skilled. <a href="http://www.heromachine.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.heromachine.com/</a>


Hello ^^ It was a mistake, I was still logged in on a friend's computer so he posted on my page instead of his ^^


can you add more save slots