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We zoom out of the crater to briefly meet the herbivores! This is the first time we see them in a long time, and it looks like Kafil has been buzzing around the herd even though he's formally banished from it.

Hmm, it looks like Paa is having a bit of trouble in that last panel... O:

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




I always wondered how much your hand must cramp doing full pages in colored pencil!

Melody Williamson

I forgot why he was banished. Was he caught talking to leopard guy?


Chui said out loud that he and Kafil had an arrangement so Hazina heard it.


Long time no see! Now I'm curios if Nia's body is being hidden to show she's pregnant some pages later? That'd be cute (obviously still cute if she isn't but she and Paa are confirmed mates ^^) I'm guessing the "taste of gazelle horn" triggers Paa's PTSD from Africa. So does Kafil being there still mean Chui is not far behind? It's gonna be interesting to see how *he's* been doing through all this and whether he's also gotten skinnier (and hopefully weaker).

Stephanie Titarenko

She and Paa are confirmed mates? Which page did that happen? I remember her being impressed by his bravery concerning Chui, but I must have missed the page where they hooked up. She is still grazing closer to the male gazelle she was originally with in this page.


Oh no, I meant that it'd be cute enough IF she and Paa were confirmed mates, not that they already were. It's been 5 months so either they would be mates by now, or not and they're just friends, lol.


Can't help but I feel a bit sorry for Kafil (despite what he had done). I doubt there will be a good ending for him but I think there might be some Redemption Equals Death trope in the motion. I'm sure sooner or later Chui will be back in the picture since he threatened he will follow the herd everywhere. He can't be too far away.

The Fluffy Birdcat

I really wanna see the conversation that likely took place when his deeds were exposed.

Lilette Lacaden

Ohhhh so that’s how the flood will come. They live in a bowl.


Maybe Pa hears something dangerous? Not good for a zebra not allowed in the safety of the herd.